exam(考试)造句两个并加翻译。 好消息是我们通过了考试(英语翻译填空)_______ ___...

作者&投稿:刀秆 2024-09-17
为了通过考试,翻译()()the exam

To pass the exam

如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

1. If he wants to pass the exam,he should listen carefully and do more exercises.
2. We can fly a kite in the park, if it doesn't rain tomorrow.
3. He will come if he has time tomorrow.

We have an exam tomorrow.


Sorry, I have an exam this afternoon. What about tomorrow?


Because the students have an exam tomorrow, they are studying hard.


l failed exam我通过了考试
l hate exam because it is too difficult.我不喜欢考试,因为这太难了

i have to attend the exam this afternoon.

timorrow i have a exam.明天我有一个考试

I have an English exam


She hopes she ___(pass)her exam all right. 外加翻译,谢谢!
答:will pass 她希望自己能顺利通过考试。

英语单词造句+翻译(初三题) !急!!
答:1.The detective tried to connect all the evidences together.2.The news that the famous actor will come to this city was known by everyone overnight.3.Please pay attention to your belongings in the shopping centre.4.She is reviewing Maths to prepare for the exam this week.5.She...

答:it's been a long time. sorry :)等久了,不好意思 I have a very very important exam in 11/13 11.13号我有一个非常非常重要的考试 it is decide my life..它将决定我的命运 so i can't myspace..(不懂)可能是不能浪费时间的意思 do you understand me?你能理解我吗?test is ...

答:Although he didn't pass the exam, he didn't give up

答:It 's surprised for me that he has pasted the exam.

答:翻译:1、pass the examination 2、pass the exam 造句:You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.你必须通过考试才能拿到学分。To be honest, I'm not all that optimistic we will pass the exam.老实说,我对我们能否通过考试不那么乐观。关于pass的词组:pass along 沿......

答:英语翻译:露西成功地通过了英语考试(succeed)English translation : Lucy has succeeded in passing English examination (1) Lucy has succeeded in passing English examination (2) Lucy has passed English examination with great success .(3) Lucy has passed her English test successfully ...

答:1. He would have passed the exam if he had confidence in himself.他如果自信的话,他考试是可以过关的。2. Wang Na has worn her LiNing shoes, which are on her feet now, for about 7 months 王娜已经穿了她的李宁牌鞋约七个月了,她现在还穿着这双鞋在她的脚上。如果我的回答对你...

...考试我们班没有人不及格 ___of our class___in this math exam...
答:None, failed/fails 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

答:1.The coffee is too bitter, so I add some sugar to it.2.A honest student never cheats in exams.3.You shouldn't have told him that news yesterday.4.Many teenagers were crazy about online games in those years.5.You had better talk to your teacher face to face to get some...