帮忙翻译几个英文句子~高手进 英语高手帮忙翻译几个英文句子

作者&投稿:后健 2024-09-18

He had so often heard his grandpa talk about him that he could see in his mind's eye what a dauntless man his uncle was.

He began to retell the story quietly, with his lips drawn to a grimace.

one bit after another一点又一点地

He turn his head about, and shouted, "There is a big moon!"
他环视四周,喉道:“这里没大月亮!” about,副词,修饰turn,turn about 表示:转过来转过去

The moonlit widerness looked like a milky opal, glowing faintly, incomparably from deep within.

1.JAMAL:没有较多的现在将 around.get 弄糟他而且锁他增加!

2. 下狱!逃脱 YAKAN 的监狱。

3. 囚犯:你也逃脱了? 我需要离开这里,男人!
HAI FENG:我们如何做那?
囚犯:你需要找而且释放所有的另一个 prisoners.they 能外面帮助我们击败守卫。


1.The coffee is too bitter, so I add some sugar to it.
2.A honest student never cheats in exams.
3.You shouldn't have told him that news yesterday.
4.Many teenagers were crazy about online games in those years.
5.You had better talk to your teacher face to face to get some advices.
6.He broke the windows on purpose so as to get his mom's attention.
7.China went through many wars in the beginning of last century.

Since the coffee tasted too bitter, I added some sugar into it before drinking.

An honest student never cheats in exams.

You should have told hims about that news.

In that year, many youngsters were crazy for online game.

You'd better talk to your teacher face to face to listen to his advice.

To arouse his mother's attention, his broke the glass of the window on purpose.

In the first half of the last century, China went through a number of wars.

The coffee was very bitter,so I added some sugar to it before I drank.

An honest student never cheat in exam.

You shouldn't have told him that news.

Many teenagersare crazy about the games on the net at that time.

You'd better talk with the teacher face to face in order to take his advice.

He broke the window on purpose so that he can catch his mother's attention.

In the earlier stage of last century,China went through lots of wars.
