She hopes she ______(pass)her exam all right. 外加翻译,谢谢!

作者&投稿:习畏 2024-09-18

live,is thinking,carries 后面那个我认为用将来时will pass will open,will take,is,is complaining,sits,hear.


We got two new classmates today, two of them are Chinese. My teach is ill today, other teacher taught us lessons on his behalf, he is kind, we all like him

今天大家看起来都很紧张,因为他们都要考试,如果成绩好的话就可以毕业了,成绩不好就要留下来继续学习,看他们的样子,我在想我以后考试的时候肯 定也很紧张。今天我们没考试,所以比他们轻松。中午吃午饭的时候,AILY打电话给我,说她考完了。我问她考的怎么样,她说很难。我觉得考试好可怕,特别 是考自己不擅长的科目。在中国的时候我就怕考数学,我看见那些数字,我不认识它们,它们也不认识我。结果答案就是全错。就象我的数学考试,没有一次理想 的。
Everybody looks nervous today as they are going to have exams, they will graduate if they get high scores, otherwise they will stay if they fail. Looking at them, I am wondering I will be nervous when I have tests. There is no test today, I feel more relaxed than them. When I have lunch, Aily called me and said she finished her test. I asked how is it, she said it was hard. I think the test are horrible especially the subjects I am not good at. I fear the maths exam when I am in China, I don’t understand maths and it is hard to learn. As a consequence, all the answers are wrong, take my maths tests as an example, I got failed in all those.

Zhou is not my brother, he is a friend of mine, but I call him brother as he has been taking care of me. He is a friendly man, asks me for lunch then tells sth funny to me. He will accompany me to play and helps me with difficulties I cannot handle.

他给我他的EMAIL地址还有电话号码,说我有空的时候都可以找他。他说他很高兴我当他朋友。他还拿出了他的电脑,打开电脑里的文件,给我看了那 些关于物理的文件,他说的很快,我很多都没听到,再加上我还要看着车站牌,可是我还是微笑的看着他,说YES。 后来我想了想,我真的跟傻子一样。
I made a friend today, he is physics teacher, I met him on the train. I told him my English is poor, he said he could teach me, this made me really happy
He told me his e-mail address and telephone number and said I could drop on him when he is available. He said he is very happy to be a friend of mine. He takes out the laptop, opened documents, showed me some physics documents. He spoke really quickly, I didn’t hear most of what he said plus I had to look at the stop. I smiled and said to him yes. I thought that afterwards, I felt I like an idot

will pass

will pass
