汉语翻译成英语 就两句话

作者&投稿:门种 2024-09-19



It's been two years since we first met. Time flies by so fast, but regardless, I'm very thankful that God arranged us to meet. I hope that you're happy and well. Happy anniversary.

~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、

迈克尔莱恩(兰迪 斯皮尔斯)是一个繁忙的主管,他的快节奏生活在一天下午他慢跑时转眼间就戛然而止,突然意外地心脏病发作让他生活中两个截然不同的部分碰撞到一起,因为他的妻子戴安(茱莉亚`安)与他的长期情妇(杰西卡`德雷克)碰面了。


1.Do you know why the texture of Pepsi Cola is so special?The reason is that it has different nutrient component in it and we can enjoy the joy when taste the various texture.
2.Haw-Haw,as you know Pepsi Cola in different places has different consumer groups and it is same to price.The texture is good and package is wonderful ,I like it very much.
这俩句话我采用的是直译法,没有采用意译法(当然此直译非比直译)。还有就是,这句话“你看这口感和包装 我真的太喜欢啦”我完全是按照你的字面意思来翻译的,因为我不知道你是喜欢它的包装还是饮料!

1.Do you know why it tastes so distinct? That's because the Pepsi has different ingredient in different flavour, and it's the diverse tastes that make us enjoy happiness.

2.Haha, you know, Pepsi has different consumer group in different places, and of course, different prices. Look at the taste and wrap. Oh ~ I just love it so much!

1、Do you know why palate so unique yao, because pepsi-cola in different taste tie-in different in the taste of nutrients in profusion let we taste to the taste of happiness

2.Haha, you know, Pepsi has different consumer group in different places, and of course, different prices. Look at the taste and wrap. Oh ~ I just love it so much!

1 You know why it taste so special? Because different flavour has diffenrnt nutritional ingredient.We enjoy it when we have a taste.
2 Haw-haw, you know, pepsi-cola has different target market and prices in different places all over the world. Look at the taste and packing, I love it so much!

1、Do you know why palate so unique yao, because pepsi-cola in different taste tie-in different in the taste of nutrients in profusion let we taste to the taste of happiness

2、Ha ha, you know, Pepsi in different places have different consumer groups, of course, have different prices, you see the palate and packing I really liked it


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My name is Jiao Wenyang, ten years old this year, I like drawing, like eating dumplings, I like playing very much.