
作者&投稿:邰钥 2024-09-19

Credibility is the foundation for managing modern enterprises

诚信 credibility
企业诚信 enterprise credit 或 credit of enterprises

企业诚信缺失 lack of credit in enterprises

诚信氛围Credit and Honesty in enterprises

论企业诚信 On the enterprise credit
孙林桥 许金龙 Sun Linqiao Xu Jinlong

企业家诚信与企业诚信 Credit of Enterprisers and Credit of Enterprises

营造高校良好的诚信氛围 On the Construction of Credit and Honesty in Institutes of Higher Learning
丁乔珍 DING Qiao-zhen



It's been two years since we first met. Time flies by so fast, but regardless, I'm very thankful that God arranged us to meet. I hope that you're happy and well. Happy anniversary.

~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、

1. I came across this sentence today, which does make sense.
2. I read this sentence in a book today, and in total agreement with it.

1. Today I accidentally see this sentence feel very reasonable
2. Today I read in a book this sentence, feel good

There is a very meaningful sentence which I saw by accident today.
I saw this scentence whlie I was reading and I thought it is pretty good.

1. The sentence I saw unconsciously today makes sense.
2. The words I read on the book today are brilliant.


我不是你的谁。。。我不是你的特别的什么人,隐含我不是你的爱人\/亲人\/恋人 失落, 心情沮丧,迷茫困惑 有时。。。和。。。常常 相互矛盾,我翻译为“常常”Don't lie to me. I am not your special someone, but only an ordinary friend.I am now very depressed and feel lost. I ofte...

=== 英文: 1. The sad memories always in my mind refuses to go away 2. When I was *** all and that many children often hang around the open space now has bee a place where high-rises 3. Are you really so Desperate么? 4. Even I can not do it alone you? 5. From an early ...

1、Attitude decides everything, we need to face and solve problems with a positive attitude.2、When you devote yourself with all your love and enough passion to life and study. you must get a perfect result.呵呵 希望可以帮上忙 ...

1.They are great,I will always protect them.2.The existence of the 13 people is very special to me.

I belive I must get into the heaven after death, because every day is the hell when I am alive

我的朋友鼓励我学好英语。My friend encouraged me to improve my english.我认为本月内完成这项工作有困难。I think it is difficult to complete this job within this month.他的手表昨晚被人偷去了。His watch was stolen last night.我们认为语言不容易学。We think that languages are not ...

语句能表达具体内容即可。不要有太生僻的词=、=我不会读。NO.1 A:你好,好久不见了。Hello,long time no see!B:恩,好久不见。Hi,yes,we didn't see each other for a long time.A:你看起来成熟了许多。It looks like you are more mature than before.B:恩,工作许多年了,我现在...

你好!很高兴为你翻译。My favorite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival.It is on August 15th of Chinese lunar calendar .In China, there are many interesting tales and beautiful poetries about the Mid-Autumn Festival.People usually buy a lot of mooncakes and give them to each other ...

A: 你好!-=Hi!B: 你好! =-=Hi!A: 最近过得好吗? How are you going on these days?B: 恩,过得还不错!你呢? Well, not bad! What about you?A: 我也还好,就是出了点小状况。 Me,too. But there is just a little trouble.B:怎么了? What's about?A: 我的电脑坏了,...

英语两段话 翻译 ,中文翻译成英文?
first part: Owing to the popularity of the smart phone, people nowaday gradually become the smartphone addicts. No matter staying in public transportations, driving private cars or just walking on the road, such kinds of smartphone addicts always stick to the phone and never raise ...