
刘狐6259: before......now造句 -
酆伏19141365438: He said he had gone to private school before now. 于是我就问他,怎么以前我从没有见过他呢,他说在来这所学校以前他上的是私立学校. 'This should have been decided long before now.'&'We can't think of everything. ' “这个在此之前早该决...

刘狐6259: 用Before……Now……造句 -
酆伏19141365438: Before doing my homework, now I must go back home first 答题不易望采纳,不懂请追问 非常期待你的采纳

刘狐6259: 用造句 - 作业帮
酆伏19141365438:[答案] Before we used to get up early,but now we do not do that any more