

4、The captain ordered two flags to be placed fore and aft.船长吩咐在船头和船尾各挂一面旗子。5、To renew a brass lid for sounding pipe of fore peak tank.更换艘尖舱一只测量管的铜盖。6、Only the people who making good use of time can come to the fore in the fast-paced so...

英语be fore怎么翻译?
造句:He be fore me 句子的意思是:他在前面

fore. sb. to. do...怎么造句简单点
it is important for us to protect the earth for our future

蝈蝈的背部真正是它的前部(2) [forepart]∶某物的前面的或朝前的部分船的前部(3) [foreside]∶正面的或前面的部分(4) [nose]∶某种东西的前面部分前端或突出部◎ 前舱 qiáncāng(1) [forehold]∶船舶前部的大舱(2) [forecabin]∶船舶前部的舱室◎ 前车之鉴 qiánchēzhījiàn[lesson from the fail...

用put up造句
1.Let's put up a shed here for the time being.我们暂时在这里搭个棚吧。2.It was originally planned to put up a big building here.当初打算在这儿盖一座大楼。3.Whether moved only by her ordinary freakishness, or because an evil spiritprompted her, she put up her small fore...



fore的造句如下:1、The crew lashed down the cargo on the fore deck.船员们把前甲板上的货物捆牢了。2、This innervate the adjacent region of the fore and middle intestine.这就为前肠和中肠的邻接部分提供了神经。3、There is a slight centerline furrow, fore and aft, from apparent ...

She was a good girl in my class before,but now she is so bad.

be fore造句子现在完成时的
手を伸ばしても掴めないでいる あの日を境に壊れた君 心の中に残っているのは 戦栗の记忆と深い暗

叶依6485: 用before造句简单点的 -
崔方17676162364: I do my homework before eat dinner

叶依6485: 过去完成时when 、before、after造句每个一句,要翻译,简单些,六年级水平! -
崔方17676162364: 句型一:过去完成时+when+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework when Mum came back. 妈妈回来的时候,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型二:过去完成时+before+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework before Mum came back. 妈妈回来之前,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型三:after+过去完成时+一般过去时 如: After I had finished my homework, Mum came back. 我已经完成我的作业之后,妈妈才回来.

叶依6485: she is ....,but she was ...before.造句 -
崔方17676162364: She is beautiful, but she was ordinary before.她之前很平凡,现在很美. 句子很简单. 前后对比就可以

叶依6485: 英文单词造句
崔方17676162364: 1.before:Mum always kiss me goodbye before I go to school. reason to do:There is no reason for you to do such things. 3.improve:All of us should help to improve the quality of our enviornment. 4.imagine:So let's imagine you are a millionaire. ...

叶依6485: I ..... before school.造句
崔方17676162364: 我在上学前做早操. I do morning exercise before school.