

for 和to作“对于”讲,造句时如何选择
She does aerobics for her figure. 为了保持身材,她做有氧运动。5. He once refused to speak on the radio for $1,000 a minute.for"交换,抵偿报酬"(以……的金额,与……交换……)She took the blouse back to the store and changed it for another. 她把这件短上衣拿回店里换另一件...

It's time for you to get up.

What did you do that for?Thanks for your help.

一般用于表示目的。You are looking for jobs not only for youself but also for several other friends of your.你不仅仅是给自己找工作,也给你的其他几位朋友找。

for 英[fə(r)] 美[fɔr,fə]prep. 为,为了; 倾向于; 关于; 当作;conj. 因为,由于;造句:They fought for national independence.他们为民族独立而战

I am for you.我支持你与 I am against you.相对

1、Offices can easily become more environmetally-friendly by,for example,using recycled paper.办公室很容易变得更环保,例如,使用再生纸。2、Wear something simple; for example, a skirt and blouse.穿简单的衣服;比如说,一条裙子和一件衬衫.3、For example,Tom is my good friend.比如,汤姆...

用for、since、in the past、这三个单词造句
i have been waiting for him for three hours.我等了他三个小时了。i have been waiting for him since three hours ago.我三个小时前已经在等他了。i have waited for him in the past .过去我等过他了。

现在完成时+for+时间段造句 要四句
1、I have lived Beijing fof 13 yeras.2、I have studied English for 5 years.study详解:一、读音: ['stʌdi]二、意思是研究;学习。三、例句 This reference book is very useful to our study。这本参考书对我们的研究很有用。词汇用法:1、study的基本意思是“学习”“研究”“攻读...

have...for的造句 I have fish for dinner.晚餐我有鱼吃.

鄢菁2082: 用before造句简单点的 -
闾庄17746287298: I do my homework before eat dinner

鄢菁2082: before的用法和例句以及句型 -
闾庄17746287298: 一、可以用作介词⒈)指时间上早于,在……之前,如:She has lived here since before the war.她从战前就一直在这儿住.⒉)指位置在前面,如:We knelt down before Grandma's grave.我们在奶奶的墓前跪下.⒊)指顺序或排列在之前,如...

鄢菁2082: 谁能用before造句? -
闾庄17746287298: 给你个网站 上去看看 应该对你有帮助. 建议你抱着学习的目的去利用这个,不要过度依赖.

鄢菁2082: 过去完成时when 、before、after造句每个一句,要翻译,简单些,六年级水平! -
闾庄17746287298: 句型一:过去完成时+when+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework when Mum came back. 妈妈回来的时候,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型二:过去完成时+before+一般过去时 如: I had finished my homework before Mum came back. 妈妈回来之前,我已经完成我的作业了. 句型三:after+过去完成时+一般过去时 如: After I had finished my homework, Mum came back. 我已经完成我的作业之后,妈妈才回来.