

答:1.We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们必须吸取对我们有用的一切经验。We should absorb whatever experience is useful to us.我们应该吸取对我们有益的经验.2.Many childless couples adopt children.许多无孩子的夫妇收养孩子。We must adopt a series of practical measures.我们...

答:In my opinion,the panda is the most lovely animal in the word!我觉得熊猫是世界上最可爱的动物了。I really prefer you go there with me!我真希望你能和我一起去那儿!I wouldn't feel happy if you cheat me!如果你骗了我,我会很难过。I'm not very interested in Pingpang.我对...

答:用“昨天”造句翻译如下:That student lost his book yesterday.那个学生昨天丢了书。He arrived yesterday. 他昨天到达的。He joined us in the discussion yesterday. 他昨天参加了我们的讨论。I can remember our wedding as if it were yesterday. 我们的婚礼我记忆犹新,就像昨天一样。It's ...

答:We have an exam tomorrow.明天我们有一场考试。Sorry, I have an exam this afternoon. What about tomorrow?不好意思啊,下午我要考试。明天行不行?Because the students have an exam tomorrow, they are studying hard.学生们正在用功读书,因为他们明天要考试。

用…wash away…造句,并翻译
答:wash away 英[wɔʃ əˈwei] 美[wɑʃ əˈwe][词典] 涤荡; 冲走,清洗; 消除; 涤除;[造句]Flood waters washed away one of the main bridges in Pusan 洪水冲垮了釜山的一座主要桥梁。Do you think you could wash away your sins?你认为...

答:The scene of this play is set in Ireland. 这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。They permitted her to leave. 他们允许她离开。Don't stare at me like that. 别那样盯著我看。You should seek medical advice. 你应该请医生诊视。His views are contrary to mine. 他的看法与我相反。The beggar was ...

答:wisely造句 1、He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature.他非常明智,拥有家庭和对自然的热爱便知足了。2、But not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely.但是说得委婉一些,并不是所有的钱都花得很明智。3、The pilot wisely decided to ...

答:I have already done my homework.I have just had my dinner.I have already seen that film.I have never been to London.Have you ever visited your grandparents?现在完成时:1,I have already had my holiday this year.2,I have just had a cup of coffee.我哭啊,我修改一个字就刀...

答:1.They will build a new building here next year他们将在这建一栋新建筑 my mother will go back tomorrow 我妈妈明天会回来 Mr Green will go to Beijing tomorrow格林先生明天去北京 Uncle Wang will fly to France on business王叔叔将到法国出差 2.There will be more rain tomorrow明天会...

答:scientist: My Dad is a excellent scientist. 我的爸爸是一位出色的科学家。already: I have had lunch already. 我已用过午餐了。factory: They are factory workers. 他们是工厂工人。simple: Such a toy is simple to make. 这种玩具做起来很简单。human: Wolves will not usually attack ...

席科3684: now造句 英汉互译 - 作业帮
蔚肾13049174490:[答案] now副词 ad.1.现在,目前,此刻I used to live in Tainan but now I live in Taipei.我过去住在台南,但现在住在台北.2.立刻,马上Go now or you'll be late.你得马上走,不然就要迟到了.3.(用来引出后面的话或加强语气)...

席科3684: 带有NOW的英语短语 -
蔚肾13049174490: 答案是:just now 刚才 刚刚的意思 right now 立刻 马上 ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

席科3684: cry和sadly还有now用英语怎么造句 -
蔚肾13049174490: 短语 l will cry sadly 我仅会哭泣 while somebody cry sadly 也有人落泪伤悲 Also somebody cry sadly 也有人落泪伤悲 Now,the rabbit back and can't find their home, sadly cry. 小兔回来,找不到自己的家,伤心地哭起来.

席科3684: 以下句子怎么翻译,其中now什么意思 -
蔚肾13049174490: now [英][naʊ][美][naʊ] adv.现在; 其时; 立刻; (改变话题或要对方做某事前,引起对方注意)喂; adj.现在的; 当今的; 现任的.n.现在; 目前; 目前.conj.由于; 既然.双语例句:1、What am I gonna do now?现在我能做什么呢?2、What should we do now?我们现在应该做什么?