

with prep. 随着;和,跟;关于;和…一致 造句:He was still a little angry with her 他还有点儿生她的气。We're not like them. It's different with us 我们和他们不一样,我们不那么做。

用be not happy wⅰth…造句?
I am happy with my brother. because he is a rascal.

用给单词或句型造句The Great Wall twists and turns along the tops...
3 The ZhongShan Park is a good place for playing.4 From your opinions,you can see the approvel of her view.5 He is good at math.6 What make of puter is it?,9,用给单词或句型造句 The Great Wall twists and turns along the tops of mountains.(tuist and turn)Th centre of...

1、桃李 造句:采用三种法国经典的葡萄品种歌海娜、佳利酿和梅鹿精心酿制而成,酒体呈深红宝石色,散发着芬芳的桃李气息,口感柔顺而丰满。解释:比喻所教的学生:~盈门|~满天下。2、扁桃体炎 造句:目的观察反复扁桃体炎(RT)患儿缓解期辅助性T淋巴细胞(TH)亚群的功能状态及黄芪对RT患儿TH细胞亚群...

with主要意思是:用、随着、包括、和 ... 一起等,一、造句如下:The risk of severe illnesses increases with age.患重病的风险随着年龄的增加而增加。The week cost us over 500 but that was with skiing lessons.这一周花了500多英镑,但其中包括滑雪课的学费。I leave the baby with my ...

小题1:He is going to visit the Great Wall by taxi.小题2:Running can make him strong. 小题3:Mother bought a ball for her yesterday. 小题4:Lingling does well in English .小题5:My friend often helps me with my English. 试题分析:小题1:根据图画可知是一个男孩乘坐出租车...

造句如下 He has a very good character, so I made friends with him 意思是他性格特别好,所以我和他交了朋友

...quickly、walk slowly、take a nap、open th
不知道你要的是什么,在网上找了这些例子。quicker than you:If you can do that quicker than I,then you are the stronger 你若能比我更快地做到,那就算你比我强 have a race:I often have a race with a tortoise and I always win.我常常和一只乌龟赛跑,总是获胜。run quickly:She had...

supper when someone knocked at the door. 小题5:At 2:28 pm. on May 12 th , 2008 a strong\/huge\/terrible earthquake took place\/ happened in Sichuan Province. At 2:28 pm. on May 12 th , 2008 a strong\/huge\/terrible earthquake hit\/shook\/struck\/ Sichuan Province.

clothes 这个词的读音是 [kləʊðz]。其中的 "th" 发音为 [ð],和 "mother"、"brother" 中的 "th" 发音相同。下面是关于这个词的更多详细信息。一、词性和意义:clothes 是一个名词,表示衣服或服装的总称,常用于表示人们穿着的物品。二、词源和拼写:clothes 这个词...

太炭4506: both造句,all造句 -
邹砖17771806872: These are all my clothes.

太炭4506: both的全部否定怎么造句? -
邹砖17771806872: both不能造全部否定的句子,可以用neither. 1、Neither of them are students 他们都不是学生.both是半否定,Both of them are not students 他们不都是学生. 2、both用于肯定句,neither用于否定句.Neither of them are students. 3、both of + 表示部分否定,意思是:并不是两个都 ,比如:Both of them are students .他们两个并不都是学生.全部否定应该用neither 比如上局可以改为:Neither of them is a student.

太炭4506: 我和他在数学考试中都取得了好成绩,用英语怎么说?用both造句 - 作业帮
邹砖17771806872:[答案] Both he and I have got good marks in Math examination.