

用be not happy wⅰth…造句?
I am happy with my brother. because he is a rascal.

小题1:He is going to visit the Great Wall by taxi.小题2:Running can make him strong. 小题3:Mother bought a ball for her yesterday. 小题4:Lingling does well in English .小题5:My friend often helps me with my English. 试题分析:小题1:根据图画可知是一个男孩乘坐出租车...

三、常见搭配:put on clothes:穿上衣服;take off clothes:脱掉衣服;dirty clothes:脏衣服;clean clothes:干净的衣服;new clothes:新衣服;old clothes:旧衣服;fashionable clothes:时尚的衣服;traditional clothes:传统的衣服 四、造句 1、我昨天买了一件新衣服。I bought a new piece of ...

造句如下 He has a very good character, so I made friends with him 意思是他性格特别好,所以我和他交了朋友

with主要意思是:用、随着、包括、和 ... 一起等,一、造句如下:The risk of severe illnesses increases with age.患重病的风险随着年龄的增加而增加。The week cost us over 500 but that was with skiing lessons.这一周花了500多英镑,但其中包括滑雪课的学费。I leave the baby with my ...

...quickly、walk slowly、take a nap、open th
不知道你要的是什么,在网上找了这些例子。quicker than you:If you can do that quicker than I,then you are the stronger 你若能比我更快地做到,那就算你比我强 have a race:I often have a race with a tortoise and I always win.我常常和一只乌龟赛跑,总是获胜。run quickly:She had...

That is怎样造句??These are...和Thasr are呢??
That is加单数 These are...和Those are加复数

2. 发音错误:把“th”发成“f”在英语中,“th”是一个非常特殊的音,它既不是平舌音也不是翘舌音。但是,很多人在发音时会误读为“f”,导致听起来很别扭。纠正方法:正确的发音需要将舌头伸出嘴唇前面,在上下牙齿之间形成一个小缝隙,并从喉咙里吹气。练习时可以多读一些包含“th”的单词,...

1,A boy is making a snowman in winter.2,A man is wearing his cloths now.3,A nurse is giving an injection in the hospital.4,It's December 3th on the calendar.5,The dress is worth buying.6,A boy is jumping rope now.7, A mother is cooking....

this的意思是:这个 造句:This book is yours 句子的意思是:这本书是你的 望采纳!

卢仲5440: both造句一种是作副词,用在行为动词之后;一种是做_____be动词之后.球造句,求填空~ - 作业帮
童策17084815778:[答案] l and she are both good,. 完成啦!不知道是不是你想要的哪一个(或我有没有搞错)请多多指教~我也是新手上路~

卢仲5440: both造句,all造句 -
童策17084815778: These are all my clothes.

卢仲5440: both做代词的用法 : 有个we both smiled 老师说这里both是代词 让造5个句子 - 作业帮
童策17084815778:[答案] 你只要改前后就好了. they both smiled we both laguhed, we both cried, we both slept, we both fked. 然后把we换成they.

卢仲5440: 用both造句 -
童策17084815778: We both have the same hat. 我们有一样的帽子.