

题目是 my plan to be going to.的英语作文初一
to be familiar with the location. And I really prefer the Shanghai EXPO. I plan to go at least 3 different exhibitions. And I want to go China house, Finland house and African house. In order to make me get more geographic and history knowledgements. That's all my plans.

逯试4174: 英语论文的acknowledgement怎么写? -
钭芝17827944428: Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr. Liu Shaolong, a respectable, responsible and resourceful scholar,who has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this ...

逯试4174: 论文acknowledgement怎么写 -
钭芝17827944428: 毕业论文致谢 非常感谢xxx老师、xxx老师在我大学的最后学习阶段——毕业设计阶段给自己的指导,从最初的定题,到资料收集,到写作、修改,到论文定稿,她们给了我耐心的指导和无私的帮助.为了指导我们的毕业论文,她们放弃了自己的...