

百度知道 Baidu Knower(知道者,知友)Baidu Pal,同上 Baidu Knowledgement(知道宝库)——倾情推荐,其实这里就是个资源库 Baidu Repository(知识库)Baidu Knowledge Base ...供参

Safety Awareness

LS是网站翻译的吧~这个是我自己翻译的,累死了。意思应该差不多吧~A:你加入了学校的哪一个俱乐部?B:我认为电脑俱乐部更适合我 A:是的 B:那你呢?你加入了哪一个?A:我不知道,可能我会选择与你相同的俱乐部。B:真的,那太棒了。我觉得我们可以互相学习。A:但是……B:怎么了?A:但是...

词根tain与前缀re,abs,sus,con等组合,形成了非常多的单词 tain造句:1、the a knowledgement of early treatment rises in patients and the doctors should main tain high vigilance and raise the rate of accurate diagnosis.患者早就诊早治疗的意识提高,临床上应提高对恶性肿瘤的警惕,提高准确率,并...


University. His broad knowledgement and responsible teaching attitude made him the one of student's favorite teachers of Peking University.In the second place,Mr.Lin's job is not only teaching, he also offers very useful economic development advices for the Chinese government. He plays...

LTE中有两种重传机制,除了MAC层的HARQ机制,还有 RLC层的ARQ(只针对AM(aknowledgement mode确认模式)数据传输)机制。   常用的自动重传请求协议包括停等式(SAW)、后退N 步式(Go-back-N )和选择重发式(SR)等。   发送端每发送一个传输块TB(transport block)后就暂时停下来,等待接收端的确认信息。当...

用英文回答-15分钟之内确定最佳答案:which one acts more influence on...
in my opinon,tv acts more influence on me.beacause i have learned lots of things from tv home and abroad,and it also told me many knowledgement i did not know before.

We have many reasons to explain why these phenomenons happen.Here I just take a disscussion on the most important ones. Maybe not completely right , they are helpful for our knowledgement on some problems. Some are external factors. During the thirty yeas of China's revolution , ...

costs much money,a family always return to poverty after have cultivated a college student。4.the students from countryside may develop if they go back to the country after finishing technical secondary school or senior middle school。5.everyone has the freedom of pursuing knowledge。

向钢543: acknowledgements是什么意思 -
尚祥13736649835: acknowledgements n. 致谢;鸣谢;承认( acknowledgement的名词复数 );确认收到的信等

向钢543: acknowledgement怎么用 -
尚祥13736649835: acknowledgement 英[əkˈnɒlɪdʒmənt] 美[əkˈnɑːlɪdʒmənt] n. 承认,确认; 致谢,鸣谢; 收条; [法] 承认书; [例句]He appreciated her acknowledgement of his maturity.她承认他的成熟,他对此心怀感激.[其他] 复数:acknowledgements 形近词: acknowledgeable

向钢543: 英文原版书籍前面acknowledgements应该翻译成什么 -
尚祥13736649835: n. 承认( acknowledgement的名词复数 );致谢;确认收到的信等;鸣谢 [例句]The best and most resonant part of the book is the " preface and acknowledgements ." 这本书最精彩、而且最能引起共鸣的一部分是它的“前言和致谢”.

向钢543: sniffer pro捕获的数据包中flags等于什么 -
尚祥13736649835: TCP协议的控制(flags标识字段),一共有6位,从左向右依次是: 1:URG(urgent紧急):紧急指针,表明发送端向另一端使用紧急方式发送数据. 2:ACK(acknowledgement 确认):表示确认序号. 3:PSH(push传送):表示接收方应该尽快将这个...