

用My Your His Her Its Our Their造句
回答:My heart was broken completelyyour hat is beautifulHis hair is shortIts mouth is very uglyTheir parents are kind

W hat colour isit...?I tis...造句。
这是个询问某物是什么颜色的问句,简单举例:那个帽子什么颜色?它是红色的。What colour is that hat?It's red.

take hat for off the me造句
你好,这句话可以连车: take off the hat for me 为我脱下帽子 ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,金山精锐老师很高兴为你解答

用这几个单词造句可以这么写:She has a hat yellow.(她有一顶黄色的帽子。)此题考查的是连词成句的方法,完成连词成句这类题型,只需要掌握以下4步:第一步:看清标点符号 首先应该看清楚,这句子是问句还是陈述句?判断句子是问句还是陈述句,要看它所给的符号,是问号还是句号,在题目中一定会...

7、渔夫帽(fisherman hat):有圆形顶部和宽檐,适合水上活动。4、帽子的文化意义:帽子在不同的文化中具有特殊的象征意义。例如,在西方,戴高帽被视为正式场合的礼仪,而在东方,一些传统文化中的帽子代表地位或身份。此外,帽子还可以作为时尚配饰来展示个人风格和品味。hat造句 1、He twirled his ...

1,I always feel lonely ;我经常感到孤独;2,That hat is a horror.那顶帽子真糟糕 3 I like reading thriller .我喜欢看惊粟小说;4,Dressed up as a gigantic chicken, she won the prize for the best costume.化妆成一个巨大的鸡,她因此获得最佳服装奖 5,Childrean like cartoon。

急:请用英语造句子! on sale 用这个造两个句子
I got this hat on sale.这顶帽子是减价买来的.Are all these goods on sale?是所有商品都在减价吗?Coats on sale this week.本周减价销售大衣 Is this one on sale?这个有打折吗?

1.No matter how he tried, he failed at last.无论他怎样努力,最终还是失败了。2.Neither her hat nor her shoes match her clothes.她的帽子和鞋都跟衣服不搭配。3.Jim has a lot of hobbies, for example, he likes playing football, vollyball and chess.吉姆有很多爱好。比方说,他喜欢...

It’s my head. 这是我的头

Spring Festival is a popular holiday in China

蔡颜1440: 用that 造五个句子 - 作业帮
房可17280436145:[答案] That book isn't mine.那本书不是我的.What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?你刚才塞在塑料杯里的是什么东西?The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that i...

蔡颜1440: that+定语从句造句 -
房可17280436145: (1) a prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣.(which / that在从句中作主语) (2) the package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿那个包裹快要散开...

蔡颜1440: 请用that,造句 -
房可17280436145: 1.she is so angry that her kitty spilted the milk on the table.她很生气因为她的小猫把牛奶溅到桌子上.2.Lily was so sad that her boyfriend broke up with her yesterday.莉莉很伤心因为她昨天和男友分手了.3.The door is so small that the fatty boy cannot walk into.那门太小了,让小胖哥走不进去.

蔡颜1440: 用that造句 我想要去上海旅行 -
房可17280436145: I want to train to Shanghai, that go to Hangzhou