

依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏_尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”下面为您提供关于【怎么造句at】内容,供您参考。1、执法者对自己...

at +点时间+具体过去时间里造句
你好!at +点时间+具体过去时间里造句:I had lunch at 12:00 yesterday.Tom was writing his homework at 20:00 last night.满意请采纳,谢谢!

用at. home造句小学生
I often watch TV at home.很多哦…

Come and look at my new bag.来看看我的新包。

在什么上面用at the top of造句
at the top of “在……顶点上、在……上”。at 表示点,在句子中用作状语,既可表示“在(房子、山等平面的)顶上”;亦可表示“在(某事物)上部,局(某事物)首位”。There is a tree at the top of the hill. 那座小山上有棵树。He is at the top of the class.他居全班之首位...

at the beach造句(短一点的)
1 I glanced down at the beach as we passed an opening in the trees.我们经过一块林中空地时,我往下扫了一眼海滩。2 Chantal remembered carefree past summers at the beach.钱特尔记起了从前在海滩上度过的无忧无虑的夏日时光。3 Meet me down at the beach tomorrow, at 6am sharp.明天...

at least 造句 at most 造句
at least——1、We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。2、A good cigarette will smoke at least ten minutes.一支好烟至少可以抽10分钟。at most——1、The town is five miles away at the farthest.那个镇至多不过五英里。2、It may take about a ...

用at home造句
I do homework at home.

用at first造句
at first: ad. 最初(首先,开始时)造句:1. We didn't trust him at first, but his charming manner completely disarmed us.我们开始时并不信任他,但他令人愉快的举止完全消除了我们的疑虑。2. At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing.最初他拒不承认...

I am at home。我在家

甄宰638: 用that 造五个句子 - 作业帮
宁宽13699721118:[答案] That book isn't mine.那本书不是我的.What is that which you have just stuffed into the plastic cup?你刚才塞在塑料杯里的是什么东西?The output of steel this year has increased by 20% compared with that i...

甄宰638: 用四个连续that造句 - 作业帮
宁宽13699721118:[答案] that is the most beautiful flower that I've ever met in the garden that my father cares so much that he waters the flowers everyday.那是我在这花园里见过的最美丽的花朵,爸爸特别喜欢这花园以至于天天浇水

甄宰638: that - __+__=__( )造句 - 作业帮
宁宽13699721118:[答案] 以下问答是我推断出的您的问题: that-_t_+_i_=_thai_(泰国人) 造句:He is a Thai living in China. 翻译:他是住在中国的泰国人.