R.A.F什么意思? R.A.F.是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

作者&投稿:登戚 2024-06-30
the r.a.f是什么意思

the R.A.F等于the Royal Air Force

1.=Royal Air Force (英国)皇家空军
2.=Rote Armee Fraktion (=Red Army Unit) (前联邦德国恐怖组织)红色军团

英文缩写 R.A.F.
英文全称 Royal Air Force
中文解释 皇家空军
缩写分类 军事政治,

Rank Abbr. Meaning
****** RAF Royal Air Force (UK)
****** RAF Red Army Faction (German terrorist group)
****** RAF Rote Armee Fraktion (German: Red Army Faction; German terrorist group)
***** RAF Refer A Friend
**** RAF Road Accident Fund (South Africa)
**** RAF Rapid Action Force (India)
**** RAF Ready Aim Fire (Bristol, PA shooting range)
**** RAF Rodez Aveyron Football (French soccer club)
**** RAF Research Aviation Facility (Atmospheric Technology Division at the National Center for Atmospheric Research)
**** RAF Responsable Administratif et Financier (French: Administrative and Financial Officer)
**** RAF Risk Adjustment Factor
**** RAF Rien À Foutre (French: Don't Care)
*** RAF Reste À Faire
*** RAF Real Ale Festival
*** RAF Resource Allocation Formula
*** RAF Recombinant Activated Factor
*** RAF Reactivity Adjustment Factor
*** RAF Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (Royal Academy of Pharmacy Spain)
*** RAF Relative Absorption Factor
*** RAF Referral Authorization Form
*** RAF Rigas Autobusu Fabrika (former Latvian bus manufacturer)
** RAF Rural Advancement Fund
** RAF Red Arterial Ferroviaria (Spanish: Arterial Rail Network)
** RAF Réunion des Amateurs de Fox-Terriers (French dog club)
** RAF Relative Air Flow
** RAF Reporting Agents File
** RAF Retired Address Finder (USAF)
* RAF Resource Allocation Figure
* RAF Racial Awareness Facilitator
* RAF Rapid Atrial Fibrillation
* RAF Réseau Alpestre Francophone (French: Alpine Francophone Network; various locations)
* RAF Roleplaying And Fanfiction
* RAF Rétro Auto Forum (French: Retro Car Forum)
* RAF Right-Arm Fast (cricket; also seen as RF)
* RAF Risk Analysis Framework (Office of the Gene Technology Regulator; Australia)
* RAF Risk Assessment Form (various organizations)

Possible Meanings Rank
Remains of A Former *****
Rebel Athletic Fund *****
Russian Air Force *****
Rwandan Armed Forces *****
Royal Armed Forces *****
Roten Armee Fraktion ****
Romanian Armed Forces ****
Rural and Agricultural Finance ****
Resource Allocation Framework ****
Request for Accommodation Form ****
Royal Air Forces ****
Risk Assessment Forum ****
Romanian Air Force ****
revija amaterskog filma ***
Random Access File ***
Regular Armed Forces ***
Red Army Forces ***
Retired After Finishing ***
Residenza Assistenziale Flessibile ***
Rural Affairs Forum ***
Red Army Fraction ***
Resolved in Another Forum ***
Rotary Air Force ***
Rogers Associate Financial ***
Recruitment Authorization Form ***
Regional Arts Fund ***
Regular Air Force ***
Regional Architect Forum ***
Remote Access Facility ***
Recruitment Armed Forces ***
Reduce Art Flights ***
Remedios AIDS Foundation ***
Rev Autorizado Franke ***
Regional Attraction Fund ***
Richmond Air Force ***
Radiation Amplification Factor ***
Roald Atle Furre ***
Rochester Area Flyers ***
running arrow farm ***
Romiley Arts Federation ***
Rwanda Athletics Federation ***
Regional Action Forum ***
Rensselaer Aeronautical Federation ***
Regulatory Accounting Framework ***
Resource Allocation Frame ***
RADIUS Authentication Fabric ***
Royal Arterial Flush ***
Royalty Administration Fee ***
Rochester Advertising Federation ***
Romanian American Forum ***
Repetitive Atrial Firing **
Regional Air Force **
Reggae Afro Festival **
Recreation Activity Fund **
rat amniotic fluid **
Raw Animal Foods **
receptor accessory factor **
receptor auxiliary factor **
Reference Asian Female **
region A factor **
Relationship Assessment Form **
relative activity factor **
relative advantage factor **
Relative advantage factors **
renal artery flow **
ristocetin aggregation factor **
Rider Adjustable Flex **
Remembered A Forum **
Random Ascalon Fools **
Rivetwise and Fastenings **
Refiled Appeal File **
rapidly adapting field receptor **
regulation, assessment, follow-up **
Renal arterial blood flow **
response to atrial fibrillation **
right atrial specialized fibers **
Russian American Federation **
Receiver Active Flag **
Rate Adjustment Factor **
Rebel Air Force **
Recreational Aviation Foundation **
Rebel Armed Forces **
Recovered Assets Fund **
Retirement Annuity Fund **
Roftwood Assault Force **
Red Arrow Freestyle **
Russian Automobile Federation **
Recovery Assistants Foundation **
RCAF and Frequently **
Recording Arts Foundation **
Research Animal Facility **
Ranma and Akane Fanfiction **
Receive Align Frame **
Reporting and Analytics Foundation **
Roosevelt Alumni Foundation **
Raging Against Freaks **
Rotating Asymmetric Foil **
Recommendation for Approval Form **
Reduction and Analysis Facility **
Rental Accommodation Fund **
Retired After Finish **
Return All Frames **
Rural Advancement Foundation **
Reference ATN Facility **
Regiment Are the Field *
Regional Arnis Federation *
Regional Attenuation Facility *
Reserve Air Forces *
Rock Athletic Fund *
Rote Armee Fraction *
Rote Armme Fraktion *
Reporting Agent Forum *
Requirements Analysis Folder *
Republican Agassi Fan *
Rocks And Fossils *
Royal Air Flight *
Recall A Formation *
Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor *
Rural Awareness Forum *
Recorded Announcement Function *
Regimental Attack Force *
Reporting Agent File *
Revije Amaterskega Filma *
Radio Active Flowers *
Requirements Analysis Form *
RN and Air Force *
Roll Angle File *
Radial Asymmetric Foil *
Rapid Action Force/Royal Air Force *
Reactivity adjustment factors *
Reenacting the American Frontier *
Release Approval Form *
Research Activities and Facilities *
Reverend Alejandro Figueroa *
Reverend Alexander Forro *
Roads Associated with the Facilities *
Rotterdam Art Front *
Rue Anatole de la Forge *

1.=Royal Air Force (英国)皇家空军
2.=Rote Armee Fraktion (=Red Army Unit) (前联邦德国恐怖组织)红色军团

有很多词组都可以简写成RAF,最常见的是Royal Air Force,英国皇家空军。



答:应该是R、S、T、N 。代表A、B、C、N相。在双电源中F是消防的标签。

r a f d w 组个英文 是什么?
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