求一首英文歌 是男声吉他弹唱 开头的歌词好像是 i listen few good songs 。

作者&投稿:圣荣 2024-09-21
求一首英文歌 一开头是唱listen 什么song 男唱的

stereo heart么?

to the song here in my heart)...
to the song here in my heart
a melody i start but can't complete
listen (mmm)
to the sound from deep within
it's only beginning to find release
oh, the time has come
for my dreams to be heard
they will not be pushed aside and turned
into your own, all 'cause you won't listen
i am alone at a crossroads
i'm not at home in my own home
and i've tried and tried
to say what's on my mind
you should have known
oh, now i'm done believing you
you don't know what i'm feeling
i'm more than what you made of me
i followed the voice you gave to me
but now i've got to find my own
you should have listened
there is someone here inside
someone i thought had died so long ago
oh, i'm screamin out
and my dreams will be heard
they will not be pushed aside or worse
into your own, all 'cause you won't listen
i am alone at a crossroads
i'm not at home in my own home
and i've tried and tried
to say what's on my mind
you should have known
oh, now i'm done believing you
you don't know what i'm feeling
i'm more than what you made of me
i followed the voice you gave to me
but now i've got to find my own
i don't know where i belong
but i'll be moving on
if you don't, if you won't
to the song here in my heart
a melody i start but i will complete
oh, now i'm done believing you
you don't know what i'm feeling
i'm more than what you made of me
i followed the voice you think you gave to me
but now i've got to find my own, my own

在百度上找的 你看看里面有没有


I Want You To Stay Lyrics -Maximo Park

Valder Fields---Tamas Wells


求一首英文歌 吉他弹唱很轻快 男生唱的 很久之前还记得名字可现在怎么...
我们要好好叙叙 不敢相信一转眼十年光阴已逝 can't believe how time plus 真不敢相信时间流逝如此飞快 leave me makes me more cry 离开你让我痛心疾首 These bruises make for more better conversion 这些青葱岁月 让我们的心产生了共鸣 loses the vibe that separates 让离别的氛围一扫而空 it'...


有什么好听的男生英文歌 要轻柔的 拒绝摇滚
shayne ward-breathless 很不错的一首情歌 selwyn-negative things 带点R&B曲风 owl city-the saltwater room 清新吉他弹唱 Tamas wells-valder fields 应该听过吧 justin timberlake-gone 迈克学摇滚-that's why you go away 很好听

推荐与now and forever风格相似的歌。就是比较清新的吉他弹唱。。
3.heaven please———Devics 一首很悲伤充满哥特气质的歌曲,钢琴很凄美映射着夏季侧面的悲伤。4.Love In December——Club 8 这首可是压轴的哦!绝对符合你的口味,还带一点迷幻的味道,一定要从头听到尾。5.Patrick Nuo Five Days———patrick five 一首男声英文歌,快节奏,虽然是首快歌,...

一首吉他弹唱的英文歌 大神帮忙
要的是歌名么 I hope you dance Ronan Keating 的 话说 你不应该 看不见歌名啊

能弹吉他吗?你说一天四首,我就先给你推荐一天的,前两首可以吉他弹唱:1.《falling slowly》(英文歌,是音乐剧once的插曲,调比较简洁舒缓,字句也不饶口,而且旋律很动听,如果有个女生跟你一起和声就更棒了,你可以网上搜出来先听听,如果你是热爱音乐的人,看看这部爱尔兰的电影,很好看的)2....

求歌曲!救命啊,好心人,歌曲是英文歌,应该是经典老歌,是男声钢琴弹唱,曲 ...
若是有搜索不到的歌曲可以联系主播,每首歌主播都解说过,里边的英文歌曲全部非常经典,找好歌去听歌学英语。1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);5...

是 hey, soul sister 吗?http:\/\/chenz.vaizard.com\/Train%20-%20Hey,%20Soul%20Sister.mp3

MARC TERENZI - LOVE TO BE LOVED BY YOU 很出名的一首曲子,满足你的各项要求哈!至于这个歌有什么历史,你白度一下就知道了!歌词如下;I can't believe I'm standing here 我不敢相信我一直在这里 Been waiting for so many years and 等了这么多年 Today I found the Queen to reign my ...

一首英文歌because wish some live
你说的有点像 Simon&Garfunkel 唱的 the sound of silence,不过歌词差得也有点大 他们是史上最伟大的男声组合,和声非常优美,堪称天籁,特别是斯卡布罗集市(要找西蒙&加芬克 他们的中文译名,不是莎拉.布莱曼的),三重和声,有些句末四重,非常美。喜欢弹吉他的这两首歌也是非常好的弹唱曲目,...