
作者&投稿:向果 2024-06-30

金凯瑞 饰演 迪克·哈珀
英文剧本:Globodyne is a consolidator of media properties.

Globodyne is a consolidator of media properties. Consolidator. Oh, no!

Globodyne's a consolidator of media properties and data retrieval...

...with a focus in fiber-optic content provision.

It's basically a synergy of Web-based...

...and platform-based UNIX-driven delivery systems.

Okay, I made that last part up.

We spent months on this trip. I just assumed...

...that you knew you needed a passport to get into Russia.

But if I should have told you, then I'm really sorry, Mr. Fairbanks.

It's not my fault airport security strip-searched you, Mr. Fairbanks.

I mean, maybe you shouldn't have made that joke. You know?

Hon? Fire.

You know what, I'm gonna load you up with drink coupons.

Blanca? Can you make this little man something to eat?

Are you sure about this?

The trainer said it's just a minor annoyance.

He said it just reminds him to be a little less vocal.

- Hey, Dick. - Morning, Joe.

That a new car?

It's the new Mercedes S500.

You can only special-order these from Germany.

- How's it run? - Well, it's a Mercedes.

Check this out.

Mercedes, on.

Yeah? Well, watch this.

Beemer, sit. Stay.

Play dead. Good boy.

That's cute, Dick. Mercedes, off.

"It has come to our attention that certain departments...

...have begun to run into situations." Situations.

The big boys want to see you upstairs.

Which floor? Twentieth?



- Not the 51 st? - Yes.

Congratulations, Mr. Harper.

- Go ahead and wrap this up. - Okay.

- How do I look? - Great.

- Anything in my teeth? - No.

I need a paper bag.

- Hey, Oz. - Hey, Dick. Morning.

It is, isn't it? Sure is.

- Yeah. - Yeah.

Hey, did you? Did you hear about Bill?

- Oh, yeah. That's... That's wild. - Yeah.

Yeah. I wonder... I wonder who's gonna take his place.

That's the big mystery.

Yeah. Yeah.

- You getting off? - Not this time, Oz.

Son of a bitch!

That's it.

Hello. I'm...

...Dick Harper, and I'm here to see Jack McCallister.

Oh, well, that's him now, sorry. He had to step out.


Damn glad to finally see you up here.

Hey, man.

- Frank Bascombe, CFO. - Nice to meet you, Frank.

Nice to meet you. Listen, Dick. Dick.

Jack's very sorry that he couldn't be here to congratulate you.

Well, on becoming the new VP of Communication.

Are you...?

- Holy... Thank you. - No, no, no.

But also, he wanted to invite you to his house...

...for an orientation meeting on Monday morning.

Dick? Ann's got the address.

All right. Sure, I'll get that. Okay. Ann?

金·凯瑞 ? Jim Carrey
James Eugene Carrey (born January 17, 1962) is a Canadian-American A-list film actor and comedian. He is known for his manic, slapstick performances in comedy films such as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, The Mask, Dumb & Dumber, Me, Myself & Irene, The Cable Guy, Liar Liar and Bruce Almighty. Carrey has also achieved critical success in dramatic roles in films such as The Truman Show, Man on the Moon, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Number 23.

Birth name James Eugene Carrey
Born January 17, 1962 (1962-01-17) (age 45)
Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Years active 1983-Present
Spouse(s) Melissa Womer (1987-1995)
Lauren Holly (1996-1997)
Notable roles Stanley Ipkiss/The Mask in
The Mask
Ace Ventura in
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Bruce Nolan in Bruce Almighty
Edward Nygma/The Riddler in Batman Forever
Lloyd Christmas in
Dumb and Dumber
The Grinch in
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Count Olaf in A Series of Unfortunate Events
Truman Burbank inThe Truman Show
Golden Globe Awards

Best Film Actor (Drama)
1999 The Truman Show
Best Film Actor (Musical or Comedy)
2000 Man on the Moon


本名:James Eugene Carrey
身高: 188厘米
1999年金球奖最佳男主角(Man on the Moon)
1998年金球奖最佳戏剧男演员(The Truman Show)
最新影片: 《我,我自己和艾琳》《格林奇如何偷走圣诞节》


Nonetheless - gold Carey
Hong Kong has a "soft" chow, the western hemisphere) American also has such a guy. His face can rubbery optional wide, never a grinning like a big mouth, members of the same stretches without bones, octopus, twisting to ride to turn to the wind, He can speak with girth, eyes, comic like hyperbole performance has brought us joy for us, the countless a happy, freedom, and a screen image of funny. He is famous Hollywood comedy star Kim Carey.
In 1994, a ton of Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (overnight to let the audience) on the golden Carey loves the "stuff" comedic style. Using a gold on American movies with rare limbs and expression way of acting, the life of the real into comedy show in hand, foot, humorous irony in full at one of the connotation, make people liberated from the reality, and laugh. I first saw him in screen is he starred in The masked men "(The Mask), The film impressed me, but I don't know what's his name, because I don't really care about this. Until then saw many of his works in this name before going into my heart. I like most of his works are The Truman Show The Truman display), he is in too much exaggeration and performance, people found gold Carey is not only funny, he tried to add a deeper in The performance of The connotation, make The performance on a higher level.
Many of his works such as... All was welcomed by many.
His latest movie is "I Love You I Love You Phillip Morris Morris >
The film will be released on February 25, France, North America release date has been set.
I'm looking forward to it.

Wumianzhiwang - Jim Carrey
Eastern Hemisphere in Hong Kong has a "senseless" Stephen Chow, the Western Hemisphere the United States also has such a guy. His face can be as casual as the rubber Che Dong, always with a blanket Zhang Taizui, limb bones, like the octopus does not like the stretch and twist to turn to the Xiangfengyiyang to beggar; he can always use waist, his eyes speak, comics like an exaggerated show brings us the joy of many, one after another for us to create a happy, free, funny onscreen image. He is the famous Hollywood comedy star Jim Carrey.
In 1994, an "air head Detective" (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective) overnight and let the audience loved the Jim Carrey's "inconceivable" comedy style. Kim used a film in the United States a rare expression of an exaggerated limbs and performing arts way, real life into comedy, in the gestures between being full of humor, a satirical mockery of the content, so that freeing people from the reality, laughing. The first time I saw him on screen he starred in "The Mask" (The Mask), this movie left me a deep impression, but I did not know then what is his name, because I was not very care about this. Only later saw many of his works before the name into my heart. His works are my favorite is the "Truman Show" (The Truman Show), his film does not show too much exaggeration It was found that Jim Carrey was not only funny, he tried to join in the performances of the deeper meaning, so that performance on a higher level.
Many of his works such as ...... are subject to a lot of people welcome.


求 金凯瑞电影《忘我奇缘》最后法庭上辩论的英文台词
答:求 金凯瑞电影《忘我奇缘》最后法庭上辩论的英文台词 是电影中快结尾时彼得在法庭上和法官辩论及为自己辩护时的台词要英文版的最好是中英都有的谢谢各位达达拉... 是电影中快结尾时 彼得在法庭上和法官辩论及为自己辩护时的台词 要英文版的 最好是中英都有的 谢谢各位达达拉 展开 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量...

中文名:金凯瑞 英文名:Jim Carrey 演过的所有电影?
答:好不容易整理的,请采纳哦!!!波普先生的企鹅. '我爱你,菲利普•莫里斯 圣诞颂歌 好好先生 霍顿与无名氏 灵数23 新抢钱夫妻/侠盗夫妇 雷蒙•斯尼奇的不幸历险 '美丽心灵的永恒阳光/无痛失恋/暖暖内含光 冒牌天神/万能的布鲁斯 电影人生 美利坚向英雄致敬:圣诞怪杰/格林奇偷走圣诞节 我...

答:对 白: 英语 颜 色: 彩色 声 音: DTS Dolby Digital 时 长: 108 分钟 类 型: 喜剧 剧情 爱情 科幻 剧情简介:乔尔(金·凯瑞饰)的性格没有问题,但他的生活却出了大问题——相恋多年的女友克莱门蒂娜(凯特·温斯莱特饰)突然变成了一个对自己没有丝毫感觉的陌生人。没有第三者的介入,...

答:求金凯瑞在其各影片里的经典台词和场景~!还有对金的经历描述,对他演员生涯的评价等等~~!(有英文版的最好!)越详细越好~!答得好的再加分~!我想要的是在其各影片里的经典台词和场景~! 要是有他各个影片的经典场景的照片或视屏的链接最好~!(海报也行!)拜托了各位~想拿高分就尽心点~! 展开 ...

答:对白: 英语 颜色: 彩色 声音: DTS Dolby Digital 时长: 103 分钟 类型: 剧情 科幻 喜剧 分级: 西班牙:T 澳大利亚:PG 英国:PG 阿根廷:13 德国:12 美国:PG 智利:TE 葡萄牙:M/12 剧情简介: 楚门伯班(金凯瑞饰)老是觉得他一直受到监视。他没想到这竟然是真的。从他呱呱落地开始的三十年来,楚门伯班就是史...

答:《大话王 导演:汤姆·沙迪亚克Tom Shadyac 主演:金·凯瑞Jim Carrey 莫拉·托妮Maura Tierney 贾斯汀·库柏Justin Cooper 类型:喜剧 弗莱彻是个炙手可热的大律师,他追求的物质生活,跟他在法庭上追求的真相一样:一切都能以金钱来衡量。事实对他来说,远不及有力的辩词来得重要,于是他为了胜诉,在...


答:请列出尽可能多的欧美的好看电影的英文名,中文翻译也要。好的加分。 20 英文名称一定要写出哦。有可能的话也写出演员。其他介绍什么的都不要,简介明了即可。加分~~... 英文名称一定要写出哦。有可能的话也写出演员。其他介绍什么的都不要,简介明了即可。加分~~ 展开  我来答 6个回答 #热议# 海关有...

答:讨厌他的人也许会觉得,这个故作低能智障的家伙实在令人作呕,但欣赏他的人会觉得他实在太了不起了,能够把英国式的幽默表现得淋漓尽致,可以算“用卓别林方式演戏的英国金凯瑞”。 憨豆的性格 憨豆是一个胆小、弱智但又有些执著的人。 喜欢跟人攀比。(有时攀比的是一些非常不重要的东西。例如:有一次憨豆去参加考试...

金凯瑞 有部影片 依稀只记得他是被人在电视上围观的一个角色,身边全部...
答:出品公司: 派拉蒙影业公司 制片地区: 美国 导演: 彼得·威尔 编剧: 安德鲁·尼科尔 制片人: 安德鲁·尼科尔 主演: 金·凯瑞,劳拉·琳妮,诺亚·艾默里奇 类型: 喜剧 /心理 片长: 103 min 上映时间: 1998年 主要奖项: 七十一届奥斯卡最佳原创剧本提名 对白语言: 英语 发行公司: 派拉蒙家庭...