一篇有关于保护麻雀的英语作文 英语作文《麻雀》电视剧

作者&投稿:犁耍 2024-06-30

    弟弟是家里的“老大”,就算有理我也拿他没办法。望着小麻雀那挺挺的胸脯,小尖嘴咂咂的张合着,我不禁心动了…… “弟弟,能让我和你一起玩会儿好吗?”我问道。“可以,可以!”他满口答应。我高兴得跑去,像逗狗一样,摸摸它身上的细毛,轻轻拍打它饱满的胸脯。这时,弟弟突然对我说:“姐,我去弄点谷子给它吃,你别走了!”

I have saved a small sparrow, therefore, sparrow frequented the balcony of my home. It has a gray and white feathers, a small mouth a khaki, plus small round eyes, a lively and lovely little sparrow. I often feed it millet and water, it is my teacher, is my friend, if I was naughty, it is called: on the balcony, ji ji ji ji,... As if to say: "do not naughty, not naughty." If I was seriously homework, it will be on the balcony, ji ji, ji ji... . As if to say: "you are great, you are great." When I was idle, it will stand on the balcony with my singing. The little sparrow let me study gradually improve, I really appreciate the little sparrow. Since then, I and small sparrow became best friends. I love you, little sparrow! Article 2: the sparrow Sparrows like parked beside the road branch, a pair of cling film of little PAWS branches

On the way home, I saw some of the kids like to catch sparrows, so that sparrows were killed and I am sorry. It is super reproductive ability, but in the human large-scale encirclement had them so that they have lost a lot of companions.
Mahjong is a very cute and naughty little lives. It is not surprising shape, appearance does not put pressure on people, sound is not amazing, plus it was too familiar, so that many children like to catch it. Behind the scenes, especially sparrows do not know Brave also done a lot of crops. Brave, in the "Sparrow" This book had a record of the pro-bird for the protection of the young accidentally plunged to its small body and not the face of a large dog back touching scenes; do a sparrow day to be able to capture thirty or forty of crop pests it! This is such a big !
The sparrows, pests will be audacious to climb from the tree hole, climb up the fields in the ruined crops. But the kids would say: "Never! Farmers can use pesticides to kill pests uncle do?!", You have thought about: the use of pesticides sprayed on crops, the crops the leaves will absorb the pesticides, pesticide where harmful ingredients are absorbed after the , humans do not eat good, healthy body; while sparrows are protected, after a bumper harvest crops, and human health also, which do double benefit?
The sparrow is now a strong ability to reproduce, unfortunately, in the ecological problems that are not consciously, told them to large-scale use of pesticides, is a disgusting human diet consumer psychology, which makes Sparrow a large scale in some areas even the truth the extent of extinction, such as the China's Sichuan Province, in just a few decades, humans have been accompanied by a number of years in a wide range of extinct birds.
Ah, love to catch sparrows with the children, let protect this little life full of vitality - Sparrow Bar! Making them happy and vitality bar!


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