
作者&投稿:闳诸 2024-09-21
求劲爆音乐 要英文的 玩游戏听着爽的

歌手:Marilyn Manson

I don't care if your world is ending today
Because I wasn't invited to it anyway
You said I tasted famous so I drew you a heart
But now I'm not an artist, I'm a fucking work of art
I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like u
You wanted perfect, you got your perfect
Now I'm too perfect for someone like you
I was a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
But you'll never be as perfect whatever you do
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I am bone top, a deathset, on a mop stick
You infected me to diamonds, I took all your shit
Your sell-by-date expired so you had to be sold
I'm a suffer-genius and then a sex symbol

You wanted perfect, you got your perfect
Now I'm too perfect for someone like you
I was a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
But you'll never be as perfect whatever you do
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't

What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't

Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is u

I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like u
I got an F and a C, and I got a K too
And the only thing that's missing is a bitch like u
I am the penny in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super ego-bitch, I've been evil a while
I am a dandy in the ghetto with a snow white smile
Super ego-bitch, I've been evil a while
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't
What's my name? What's my name?
Ah-ah, Ah-ah
Hold the S because I am an ain't




Poker Face (LLG Vs GLG Radio Mix)--Lady GaGa
All I Ever Wanted (Radio Edit)--DJ Monaco
Girls--Jennifer Lopez

in the end



Firework 中英文歌词
Six feet under scream用力嘶喊 But no one seems to hear a thing但似乎没人听得见 Do you know that tehre's still a chance for you你知道吗其实你还是有机会的 Cause there's a spark in you就是你心中的火花 You just gotta ignite the light你只需要将它点燃,那道光 And let it shine...

如何评价Fall Out Boy?
回答:说起这个乐队,我就想起之前的那部电影《超能陆战队》里面的背景音乐,就是这个乐队的,真的是燃爆了。fall out boy是一个朋克乐队,又有点摇滚,旋律非常流行(所以招黑)EMO+舞曲风格,主唱小胖技能奔放嘶喊,每首歌给人的感觉都是激情,奔放,活力,爆炸,可能也是导致歌曲类型略相似的原因。有人说他们是...

谁能帮我找到Tokio Hotel所有歌曲的歌词?
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寂寞人生爱无休,寂寞是爱永远的主题、我和我的影子独处、它说它有悄悄话想跟我说、它说它很想念你。 迷失自己伤感的句子精选 1.亲爱的,我只是转身并不是怨你。 2.让人心痛的不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。 3.如花美眷,似水流年。回得了过去,回不了当初。 4.我想送给你那一朵握紧在手里的花,还不够完成...


备注4:关于伊崔格和提里奥·弗丁的故事,在暴雪的官方小说《鲜血与荣耀》(《Of Blood and Honor》)中有详细记载,并非本人杜撰。有兴趣通英文的朋友可以去找来看看。 备注5:老弗丁,巴瑟拉斯,小弗丁先后驻守过的壁炉谷,在WOW就在西瘟疫之地中北部,目前被血色十字军占领…… 备注6:弗丁的故事太长了,而且分前后...

小感动 老婆,我爱你,我会在某天完整的对你说的
那是多么得甜蜜呀,甜得你睡不着觉。因为我爱上了你,我正享受这种甜蜜呢,齁死我了呀!哈哈! 21.海枯石烂真心不变。是歌里唱的;你若安好,便是晴天。是书里说的;懂你的是我,爱你的是我,想你的是我是我心中所想。每个白天黑夜时时刻刻! 22.珍惜老婆的快乐,也许有时候自己觉得一件事不值得高兴,但是要...

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