一个劲暴的英文歌曲开头i wan是个女的开的头 求一首英文歌 开头是 I want .....什么什么 是个...

作者&投稿:阴策 2024-09-21
女生劲爆英文歌曲 一开头尖叫一声的

别碰我Don't push me - Sweetbox

We meet in the night in the Spanish cafe
(wei mi te yin ze nai te yin ze si pai nei shi ka fei)
I look in your eyes just don't know what to say
(ai lu ke yin yao ai zi zha si te dong te nou wo te tu sei)
It feels like I'm drowning in salty water
(ei te fi ou zi lai ke ai mu zhao ning yin sao tei wao ter)
A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise
(a fi ou ao ers lai fu te ti ou ze san zi gang na rai zi)
Tomorrow will come an it's time to realize
(te mao rou wei ou kang mu an ei ts tai mu tu ri ou lai zi)
Our love has finished forever
(a wer la vu hai si fei nei shi te fao ai ver)
How I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)
(hao ai wei shi tu kang mu wei zi you (wei shi tu kang mu wei zi you))
How I wish we make it through
(hao ai wei shi wei mei ke ei te si ru)
Just one last dance
(zha si te wan la si te dang si)
Before we say goodbye
(bi fao wei sei gu de bai)
When we sway and turn round and round and round
(wan wei a wei an de te n ruang de an de ruang de)
It's like the first time
(ei ci lai ke ze fer si te tai mu)
Just one more chance
(zha si te wan la si te dang si)
Hold me tight and keep me warm
(hou de mi tai te an de ki pe mi wao mu)
Cause the night is getting cold
(kao si ze nai te ei zi gai ting kou de)
And I don't know where I belong
(an de ai dong te nou wai er ai bi long)
Just one last dance
(zha si te wan la si te dang si)
The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar
(ze win de an de ze lai ts an de ze si pai nei shi gi ta)
I'll never forget how romantic they are
(ai ou nai ver fer gai te hao rou man tei ke lei a)
But I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love
(ba te ai nou, te mao rou ai ou lu zi ze wan ai la v)
There's no way to come with you
(lei er zi nou wei tu kang mu wei zi yu)
It's the only thing to do
(ei ts ze ong lei sing tu du)
[Chorus 3x (until fade)]
Just one last dance, just one more chance, just one last dance
((zha si te wan la si te dang si,zha si te wan la si te dang si,zha si te wan la si te dang si)

应该是这个了Fighter-Christina Aguilera。


一个劲暴的英文歌曲开头i wan是个女的开的头
应该是这个了Fighter-Christina Aguilera。电视里面听到的吧?http:\/\/play.baidu.com\/?__methodName=mboxCtrl.playSong&__argsValue=1171428&fm=altg4&__o=aladin#

那首英文歌开头好像是i wan to fo de bi li 的叫什么名字 求告知...

有一首歌曲开头是女声我i wan什么的
Wonder Girls的《nobody》歌词:You Know I still Love You Baby And it will never change I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You 那大度撒狼啊系咯 你噶啊你西咯 I want nobody nobody nobody nobody 那系冷得 不那米冷得内 哟古阿尼加不顾 类吗冷的忒亚穆库...

求一首英文嗨歌!开始的歌词是I wan to什么什么的! 高潮是If my什么什...
If I Were A Boy---Beyonce

一首英文歌, 谐音是:i wan the 豪,i wan的外,吐的吐的吐的sky
这首歌名字是柠檬树——Lemon Tree,是由德国乐队愚人花园(Fool's Garden)创作的歌曲,你记住的这段歌词是:I wonder how,I wonder why,Yesterday you told me about the blue blue sky

找一首女生英文歌DJ里常有的 歌词大概I wan I... 高潮有长音 谢拉...
why would I ever 酷猪音乐...

一个女的唱的英文歌名字是I WAN... YOU中间的单词给忘了就记得前面3个...
应该是Ina的《I Wanted You》下载试听 http:\/\/mp3.baidu.com\/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=i+wanted+you++ina&lm=0

bigbang有一首歌词是i wan'na rock with you,dance with y
歌曲名:With U 歌手:Bigbang 专辑:With U bigbang-with U She stands there looking at me I know she`s wonderin`If she should kick it with me Cuz you all got that somethin`If she be wanting to freak The shakin` thunderin`And now she`s starting to creep up on me Man she...

英文歌 男的唱 前奏是 i wan to da la da la da la
应该是Akon的right now(na na na)

...的英文歌 是女声的 有一句歌词是 i wanan be with you ,i wan...
'Cause I never see you anymore And I need your love, babe That's all I'm living for, yeah I didn't wanna pressure you, baby But all I ever wanted to do I wanna be your lover I wanna be the only one that makes you come running I wanna turn you on, turn you out ...