
作者&投稿:厉帝 2024-09-20
Dilangong, known for his passion for medicine, particularly acupuncture, was summoned by the emperor during the Xianqing era. On his way to the capital, he passed through the northern part of Huazhou market, where a remarkable scene caught his attention.

From a distance, he observed a large sign towering above the crowd, displaying the words: "谁能治愈此子,千匹绢偿之" (Whoever can heal my son, a thousand匹 cloth in reward). Intrigued, Dilangong approached to investigate. Inside the commotion, he found a wealthy family's son, around fifteen or sixteen years old, critically ill beneath the sign. A tumor, the size of a fist, had formed beneath his nose, connected to it by a slender, painful strand. The boy's eyes were pulled downward, their whites showing, reflecting the direness of his condition.

With compassion, Dilangong offered his assistance. The child's parents and relatives, desperate for help, begged him to treat their son. They promptly fetched a carriage and placed a stack of a thousand匹布 by Dilangong's side. With a deft touch, he inserted a needle into the boy's brain about an inch deep. Then, he asked, "Do you feel the needle in your tumor?" The boy nodded. Dilangong swiftly removed the needle, and with it, the tumor fell off, restoring the boy's eyesight and relieving his agony.

The emotional family members wept and thanked Dilangong profusely, offering the promised reward. However, Dilangong, with a smile, explained, "I did this out of concern for your son's life, not to sell my medical skills. It was a moment of urgency for a desperate patient, not a transaction." With a gentle refusal, he left without looking back.



Dilangong, known for his passion for medicine, particularly acupuncture, was summoned by the emperor during the Xianqing era. On his way to the capital, he passed through the northern part of Huazhou market, where a remarkable scene caught his attention.From a distance, he observed...



[译文] 狄仁杰爱好医术,特别擅长针灸。显庆年间,他应皇帝征召入关,路上经过华州街市 北面时,看到很多人在围观。 狄仁杰拉住马远远望去,看到一块高大的牌子,上面写着八个大字:能疗此儿,酬绢 千匹。狄仁杰下了车,走上前去观看。原来是个富家的孩子,年纪约十四五岁,躺在招牌 下面。孩子的鼻子下面生了个肿瘤,拳...

[译文] 狄仁杰爱好医术,特别擅长针灸。显庆年间,他应皇帝征召入关,路上经过华州街市 北面时,看到很多人在围观。 狄仁杰拉住马远远望去,看到一块高大的牌子,上面写着八个大字:能疗此儿,酬绢 千匹。狄仁杰下了车,走上前去观看。原来是个富家的孩子,年纪约十四五岁,躺在招牌 下面。孩子的鼻子下面生了个肿瘤,拳...

6. 文言文 狄梁公疗儿 全文翻译 原文 狄梁公性闲①医药,尤妙针术。显庆中,应制②入关,路由华州阛阓③之北,稠人广众,聚观如堵。 狄梁公引辔遥望,有巨牌大字云:"能疗此儿,酬绢千匹。”即就观之。有富室儿,年约十四五,卧牌下。鼻端生赘④,大如拳石,根蒂缀鼻,才如食箸。或触之,酸痛刺骨,于是两眼为...

狄梁公引辔遥望,有巨牌大字云:“能疗此儿,酬绢千匹。” 即就观之,有富室儿,年约十四五,卧牌下。鼻端生赘④,大如拳石,根蒂缀鼻。 或触之,酸痛刺骨,于是两眼为赘所缒⑤,目睛翻白,痛楚危亟,顷刻将绝。恻然久之,乃曰:“吾能为也。” 其父母洎⑥亲属,叩颡⑦祈请,即辇千绢置于坐侧,公因令扶起,即...


狄梁公引辔遥望,有巨牌大字云:“能疗此儿,酬绢千匹。” 即就观之,有富室儿,年约十四五,卧牌下。鼻端生赘④,大如拳石,根蒂缀鼻。 或触之,酸痛刺骨,于是两眼为赘所缒⑤,目睛翻白,痛楚危亟,顷刻将绝。恻然久之,乃曰:“吾能为也。” 其父母洎⑥亲属,叩颡⑦祈请,即辇千绢置于坐侧,公因令扶起,即...