一首很舒缓的英文歌,女生非常空灵,有一句大概歌词里有she said 什么什么like Victoria。。。求大神 以前在有道词典上听过一首女声英文歌。非常诡异空灵,我只记得歌...

作者&投稿:汲阙 2024-09-21

是歌曲《Hymn For The Weekend》。是英国摇滚乐队酷玩乐队和美国歌手碧昂丝演唱的歌曲,由酷玩乐队填词、谱曲,发行于2016年1月25日。该首歌曲被收录在酷玩乐队第七张录音室专辑《A Head Full Of Dreams》中。
《Hymn For The Weekend》的歌词、曲谱由酷玩乐队创作,制作人包括里克·辛普森、星门制作团队、Digital Divide、Avicii。

酷玩主唱克里斯·马汀曾设想这首歌曲的和声声部的歌词是“Drinks on me”,并认为它应该由酒吧里的一个有钱人大声吼出来。克里斯认为它很类似于《Turn Down for What》这类夜店舞曲,所以给它取名《Drinks on Me》。
不过,乐队的其他成员认为这个歌词设计并不合适、并且不适合克里斯唱,于是劝说他把歌词改成了现在的“drink from me”、并邀请了碧昂丝来演唱这一部分。
《Hymn for the Weekend》是在缤纷的摇滚画布中增色R&B曲风元素的美丽佳作,其开头的设计让人感觉很莫名其妙,而且无法带给听众想象的空间。
碧昂丝的热情歌咏,开辟出一片梦境般的迦南美地;同时,歌曲还透出一股浓浓的“正能量范儿”。歌曲的问题在于,“drink from me”这一歌词与旋律不搭,导致表现出来的效果一塌糊涂。

Only Time
所属专辑:Only Time: The Collection (Box Set)
作曲 : Eithne Ní Bhraonáin
作词 : Roma Ryan
Who can say where the road goes'
Where the day flows
Only time...
And who can say if your love grows'
As your heart chose
Only time...
Who can say why your heart sighs'
As your love flies
Only time...
And who can say why your heart cries'
When your love dies
Only time...
Who can say when the roads meet'
谁能说得清 道路向何方漫延
That love might be'
In your heart.
And who can say when the day sleeps'
If the night keeps all your heart
Night keeps all your heart...
Who can say if your love grows'
As your heart chose
Only time...
And who can say where the road goes'
谁能说得清 道路向何方漫延
Where the day flows
Only time...Who knows
唯有时光 谁能明了?
Only time...Who knows
唯有时光 谁能明了?
Only time...

《only time》获2002年的流行单曲奖。很多美国人将这首寓意深刻的歌曲作为抚慰自己脆弱心灵的良方。也是《甜蜜十一月》的主题曲。十二年后由著名动作演员尚格·云顿为沃尔沃货车拍摄的精彩广告“伟大的劈腿”(The Epic Split)也采用此曲当背景音乐。
Enya于1999年遭遇了一场严重的车祸,在医院里昏迷了三天三夜。自小与Enya音乐观念不合并多年未见的姐姐Moya知道后连夜写下新曲为她祈福。与死亡擦肩而过的Enya醒来得知姐姐的心意,压抑多年的感情终于暴发了出来,写下了触及灵魂的旋律《Only Time》。

Cool Kids - Echosmith

She says they're walking
in a straight line
But that's not really her style

They all got the same heartbeat
But hers is falling behind

Nothing in this world could

Ever bring them down

Yeah, they're invincible
And she's just in the background

And she says
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids
They seem to fit in
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids

Like the cool kids

He says I'm talking
with a big smile
But they haven't got a clue

Yeah, they're living the good life
Can't see what he is going through

They're driving fast cars
But they don't know
where they're going

In the fast lane

Living life without knowing

And he says
I wish that I could be like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids
They seem to fit in
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
Like the cool kids

I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids
They seem to get it
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
Like the cool kids

And they said
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids
They seem to fit in
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids

Like the cool kids

I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids
They seem to get it
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids

Like the cool kids

I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids
They seem to fit in
I wish that I could be
like the cool kids
Like the cool kids


一首很舒缓的英文歌,女生非常空灵,有一句大概歌词里有she said 什么什...
Cool Kids - Echosmith She says they're walking in a straight line But that's not really her style They all got the same heartbeat But hers is falling behind Nothing in this world could Ever bring them down Yeah, they're invincible And she's just in the background And she ...

...十分轻柔空灵的女声,常作背景音乐的英文歌,有一句歌词是you are alw...
You Are Always There For Me (norro wilson, wayland holyfield)This song is mary and i's themesong! it epitomizes Our friendship through and through!I know sometimes i'm like a child I disappoint you so And how you keep forgiving me I'll never never know When i stumble and ...

全网求助有一首英文歌曲, 只记得女声比较空灵的副歌部分好像比较舒缓...
歌名是:I really like you好像,希望采纳。

Heartbeats是由瑞典流行乐手艾米·戴蒙德(Amy Diamond)于2009年在专辑《Swings And Roundabouts》发布的单曲,歌曲用英文演唱,那凄美婉转的声音深入人心,获得了较高的评价。

求推荐几首空灵女声英文歌 最好不要老歌
8. A thousand years ---Christina perri(“暮光之城”里的深情歌曲,我爱了你一千年,还要再爱一千年) 9. 楼主试试,总会有你喜欢的~~~· 原创,拒绝复制 星之浩可,梦婷儿 推荐几首好听的英文歌,最好不要快歌 我强烈向你推荐Sophie Zelmani的歌,我很多朋友都没有听过她的歌,后来我推荐以后~~很多都会安静...


Taylor Swift safe&sound ???http:\/\/v.ku6.com\/show\/-vn9iykATEoHOPTaif89mw...html?loc=tashangchuan

求一首很好听的英文歌,我在专买店里听到的,女的声音很空灵 啊啊啊啊...
【come clean】Hilary Duff这首好听 【wake up】Hilary Duff DJ~这些歌曲节奏比较轻快,大部分听了心情会很好哦~~~试试吧~【the saltwater room】Owl City 【do you know】Enrique Iglesias (The Ping Pong Son)【touch my body】Mariah Carey 【I'm Yours】Jason Mraz; 我是你的,你的。。【...

Maria Arredondo 的 《burning》

找一首歌的名字 外国歌,女歌手,有歌词的,空灵大气。
1.Life In Technicolor (Coldplay) 这是CP六月的新专辑里的一首纯音乐,很短,只有两分半。很轻快很舒服的曲子。这首曲子就给大家先热热身。下面还有CP的新歌。2.We Can Leave The World (Sasha)这是本地电台一档音乐节目的背景音乐,当时听的感觉就是这歌有一段历史了,很怀旧的说……结果费...