
作者&投稿:邢峡 2024-07-02


   NOYB = none of your business
   NO1 = no one
   OTOH = on the other hand
   PCM = please call me
   PLS = please
   PPL = people
   R = are
   ROTF(L) = rolling on the floor (laughing)
   SIT = stay in touch
   SOM1 someone
   SPK = speak
   TTYL = talk to you later
   TX = thanks
   U = you
   WAN2 = want to
   W/ = with
   WKND = weekend
   WU = what’s up?
   X = kiss
   XLNT = excellent
   XOXOX = hugs and kisses
   YMMV = your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)
   YR = your
   2 to, ’= too
   2DAY = today
   2MORO = tomorrow
   2NITE = tonight
   3SUM = threesome
   4 = for
  · asl : a=age,s=sex,l=location
  · plz : Please;r:are;u:you
  · S’up?: 也写sup,什么事?问候语
  · Lol : 很好笑.因为lol像笑脸,和我们常用的.^-^一样
  · Yup/ Nope : 是的/ 不是的
  · btw : by the way
  · cool : cool代表一种感觉,没有语法限制,只要你想,就可以cool出来!
  · BRB : be right back
  · lil : little
  · l8r : later (l+eight+r)
  · KIT : keep in touch
  · ASAP : as soon as possible
  · talkin’ : talking
  · zm : zone message
  · thanx : thanks
  · cu : see you
  · FTF : face to face
  · FYI : For your information
  · IC : i see
  · u : you
  · r : are
  · IOW : In other word
  · TIA : Thanx in advance
  · TTuL : Talk to you later
  · IMO : In my opinion
  在线上一句挺有趣的句式: sb. be dead ……
  Yup! And I’m dead cool too!是!以及我也是绝对酷的!
  He’s dead set on getting a new job.他打定主意要找个新工作。
  He was dead asleep.他酣然大睡。
  perhaps you will think that they are so strange,but actually,they are very common expressions
  hope it helps



答:LOL 有可以是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑 ASAP As soon as possible BF Boyfriend .BTW By the way.BBL Be back later .fds :friends .tkx :thanks .n :and cuz,bc,b/c - because asl pls.(Age,sex and location please.)请告知年龄,性别和地址(国籍),这是和一个新朋友聊天的...

答:英文聊天中omg,jk,lol,Lmao的意思如下:1、omg意思是“哦,我的上帝”或者“哦,我的天啊”,omg是英文“Oh My God”的缩写,通常是表达惊叹、惊讶的含义。2、jk意思是“只是开个玩笑罢了”或者“开玩笑而已”,jk是英文“Just Kidding”的缩写,也有“Joking”开玩笑、戏谑的意思。3、lol意思是...

答:二、英文缩写指南 1、DIY:Do It Yourself的缩写,自己动手做的意思。 例句:清欢太坏了,青眉电脑坏了找他修,他让青眉DIY。2、SOHO:Small Office Home Officer的简称,意思是“在家办公”。 例句:《游侠秀秀》的作者小非是SOHO一族啊。3、BUG:原意是“臭虫”,后来把跟电脑有关的故障都称之为...

答:Lol = laughing out loud / lots of laughs 大笑 Lmao = laughing my ass off 笑掉屁股 WTF = what the f u c k 等同于“吊”WTH = what the hell 比较文雅的 WTF ,常作为疑问“怎么会这样?”FTW = for the win 相当于“必胜”Omg = oh my God 相当于“天呀!”Omfg = oh my ...

答:LOL 有可以是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑 ASAP As soon as possible BF Boyfriend .BTW By the way.BBL Be back later .fds : friends .tkx : thanks .n : and cuz, bc, b/c - because asl pls. (Age, sex and location please.)请告知年龄,性别和地址(国籍),这是和一个...

答:1、LOL,是英文“laugh out loud”的首字母缩写,一般翻译为:大声笑。2、BTW,是英文“By the way”的首字母缩写,一般翻译为: 顺便说一下。3、IC,是英文“I see”的首字母缩写,一般翻译为: 我明白、我知道了。4、TTYL,是英文“talk to you later”的首字母缩写,一般翻译为: 等会儿再...

答:ASAP As soon as possible尽快 BF Boyfriend 男朋友 BTW By the way 随便说一下 BBL Be back later 稍后回来 BRB Be right back 很快回来 CU See you 再见 CUL See you later 下次再会 DIIK Damned if I known 我真的不知道 DS Dunce smiley 笨伯 FE For example 举例 FTF Face to face ...

答:求一些英语聊天中的缩写之类的。。。 刚才想去omegle聊天来着。。一上来个asl就把我弄懵了。。哪位英语好给我说一些英语聊天的时候这种缩写之类的。。像那种u4urya什么的就不用了。。。... 刚才想去omegle聊天来着。。一上来个asl就把我弄懵了。。哪位英语好给我说一些英语聊天的时候这种缩写之类的。。像...

答:常用聊天英语缩写 at= and=& though=tho two,too,to=2 for=4 before=b4 because=coz see=c going to=gonna pictures=pics/pix please=plz are=r girlfriend=g/f yes=yep thanks=thanx people=ppl about=abt am not=ain't password=p/w example=e.g. e.g. exempli gratia(=for example...

答:常用聊天英语缩写 at= and=& though=tho two,too,to=2 for=4 before=b4 because=coz see=c going to=gonna pictures=pics/pix please=plz are=r girlfriend=g/f yes=yep thanks=thanx people=ppl about=abt am not=ain't password=p/w example=e.g. e.g. exempli gratia(=for example...