研究生英语作文两篇。 英语作文两篇

作者&投稿:漆树 2024-06-30


考生通常在写作准备过程中很注意积累高级的单词和句式, 可是常常会忽略难词难句的拼写,比如在拼写单词时漏写一个字母,在写句子时漏写一个be动词等。从而造成高不成低不就的情况。对此,考生们在准备的过程中要注意背准确,背熟练。
以上内容参考 百度百科-考研英语

how to use the internet
As a student,we can't live without the internet,because It is very helpful to our everyday study ,Also,when we feel tired after hours' work,we can play computer games or chat with our classmates and friends to make us relax.
But our parents or teachers always worry about us when we are using the internet,we have so much homework every day,they worry we children will play computers too long In recent years, internert is close to us.But i think many people didn't know how to corrrect use it .we can find information that we need on the internert,chat with friends,play games and so on,i found we waste many time on it and do many useless thing through it, I want to know your opinions about the question.and forget to study and go to sleep at night,what's more(而且),we may make bad friends and find bad imformation on the internet,they are not good for our health.so we should (应该)use the internet under our parents' direction(指导)。 好像超过100字了,可适当删减哈。 In recent years, internert is close to us.But i think many people didn't know how to corrrect use it .we can find information that we need on the internert,chat with friends,play games and so on,i found we waste many time on it and do many useless thing through it, I want to know your opinions about the question.

1、some people believe that marriage is an out of date institution. what is your opinion.write a composition of over 200 words to defend your viewpoint.

Yes ,because marriage is still important in society as a rational view of what a loving committed relationship actually is: if love is so transient in society it is important to have a foundation to hold couples together to realise that friendship, support, trust and commitment are more important. We cannot encourage couples to live a more relaxed relationship when as parents they are responsible for a child’s welfare.

2、as a graduate student,what is your idea on graduate education in china?write a composition of over 200 words entitled My View on Graduate Education in China .voice your view with ample evidence.

I'm a graduate student in South China Normal University,major in educational technology.I am a freshman in graduate school and after two mouth's life of being a graduate student ,I found a big difference between undergraduate and postgraduate.You can see undergraduates chat in WeChat using their mobile device in classroom and do not engage attention and interest to what teachers say,or just play computer games in dorm,but you can not see a postgraduate do these things.After all,postgraduate should make something different in three year's graduate life.

After my deliberate thinking,I make a do-list to remind myself to be a qualified graduate student.

1.Read professional books and find a topic attract my interest to be research point ,and study further of it.

2.Read magazine related to my profession,keep a sharp for the latest idea and concept.

3.Read more literature,and do literature review.(This is a sinifcant approach to cultivate professional attainment)

4.Insist on an hour English learning,include read BBC News and use English application.

5.Participate in some activities that can improve my ability.

There still many things should be on my to-do list, I will continuously improve my list and enrich everday.



答:1、some people believe that marriage is an out of date institution. what is your opinion.write a composition of over 200 words to defend your viewpoint.Yes ,because marriage is still important in society as a rational view of what a loving committed relationship actually is: if l...


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