

①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间;while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;w...

While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers *** ile ( *** iling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful). When we ...

Though maybe we didn't performed well, the *** ile on their faces made us very happy. 该到说再见的时候了,一定要注意收尾工作. Happy time always goes fast. Though we didn't notice that we had stayed here for a long time, the clock on the wall informed us clearly that it was time ...

I study hard and I like laughing. I always *** ile to my friends. Because my parents tell me: Smile to another person, it's a good child.This is my family---a colorful and lovely family.I love my family. I love my family I have a very *** all family like most of other chi...

We went to the only room that had lights on, and there was a man reading a book. The director asked him "Goodness if he had lost his wallet. Michael Goldstein looked up, felt his back pocket and then said, it is missing." 我们来到还亮着灯的房间,有位老人在那里看书。主任问他是否丢...

nonage student 未成年学生 nonage criminals 未成年犯 Speed Nonage 小齐舞冠军 nonage person 未成年人 nonage reading 早期阅读 Nonage United 未成年同盟会 nonage students 未成年学生 例句:The conclusion provides primary bases for forest nonage selection.这一结论可为林木早期选择提供初步依据。

4) 感情描写:love, like, hate, feel, laugh, cry, *** ile, shout 等。 5) 动作描写:e, go, get, have, take, bring, fetch 等。 (5) 上下文要连贯。上下文的连贯性也是评分的一条原则,因此同学们应把写好的句子,根据故事情节,事情发生的先后次序(时间或空间),使用一些表示并列、递进等过渡词进行...

There is always a *** ile on her face. Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. Miss Huang likes ...

my all quick enough, as he was triumphant *** ile.On another occasion, my mother and I in idioms solitaire game to play, dad in the side when the audience. When I back to "burn out", I suddenly let father take a word, dad, of course, I don't know, but won't giv...

He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes *** oking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of *** oke. I know its bad for his health ...

驷邢3716: while reading 和post reading 分别是什么意思?谢谢大家!!
蒯之13779488489: post reading 读后活动 while reading读中活动

驷邢3716: do think while reading是什么意思 -
蒯之13779488489: 边读边思考.这个do是一种强调

驷邢3716: it is a pleasure to have great calm in mind while you are reading.翻译 -
蒯之13779488489: 静下心来阅读是一种乐趣