

6.[on the ninth in it {the twelfth month}. vacat The] se[cond] {year}: The first {month}. On the sec[on]d {day} in {the week of} Malakiah {which falls} on the tw[entieth in it {the first month}; and] duqah {is} 7.[on the third {day} in {the week of...

瞿发2075: second - hand什么意思 -
郁侦18986157562: second-hand adj. 旧的,二手的; 用过的; 间接得来的; (学说等)不是独创的 n. 旧货; (钟表的)秒针 adv. 间接地; 第二手地 网络 第二手的; 第二手的,用过的; 二手的 复数:second-hands

瞿发2075: second hand?second - hand? -
郁侦18986157562: 两者都有,如下 second hand n. 中间人,助手,旧货 参考例句 He said his uncle went to work in a second-hand car.他说他叔叔开一辆二手车上班.I made a great find in that second-hand bookshop yesterday.我昨天在旧书店找到一本很宝贵的书....

瞿发2075: 美国亚马逊商品写second hand 是什么意思 -
郁侦18986157562: second hand 英 [ˈsekənd hænd] 美 [ˈsɛkənd hænd] n.中间人,助手,旧货; 秒针 秒针;旧货;中间人;助手 双语例句1. All this, needless to say, had been culled second-hand from radio reports. 不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道中采集来...

瞿发2075: second hand和second - hand的区别? -
郁侦18986157562: second hand n. 中间人,助手,旧货 eg:I only heard the news at second hand. 我只是间接听到这个消息的. second-hand adj. 二手的 eg:He said his uncle went to work in a second-hand car.他说他叔叔开一辆二手车上班.

瞿发2075: secondhand和second - hand有什么区别 -
郁侦18986157562: 没有区别,这是复合词书写时有无连字符的问题.有些连字符必须得有,有些可有可无.