



Tiger is the king of the forest. 老虎是森林之王.

造句T^T (1)严重 忧伤 (2)稳固 强劲 (3) 浮夸 务实 (4)庞大 灵活 (5...
5、那个俊俏的少年红着脸,诚恳的向环卫工人道歉。”造句 用“be angry with”造句话 用have fun造句 用“t...
1.She is shouting at your father.

Don t怎么造句?一到六年级的知识
很多,don't later for, don't eat in class, don't fight, don't run, don't listen to music, don't wear a hat

用N,E,X,T ,四个字母造句 励志短语 好的加分

用t x y 开头的字母造句
Turmpet is a brass musical instrument with a brilliant tone.Xylophone is a muwooden bars of different lengths.You can play with them.

1. Don't do it again. Don't stay in the same place 2. Do everything by yourself. Do you believe it ?3. No smoking. No spitting.4. i am young. I was happy 5. I can't hear you. He can't leave his child alone.6. As students, we mustn't copy homework. You ...

可以这样用“don't”造句:1、Do not come in unless asked. 非请莫入。2、Don't you believe it.决不要相信它。3、Don't anyone make any noise. 谁也不要吵吵闹闹。4、Don’t let the baby fall. 不要让婴儿摔下来。5、Don’t let yourself be eaten by an amateur. 别让你自己被...

农重1175: 用not造句小学四年级上册英语 - 作业帮
粱别15767031981:[答案] do not leave home alone. 不要单独离开家

农重1175: not.请造句, -
粱别15767031981: not...any more than 不过… 例句 1.He is not a painter any more than I am a scholar.他不是画家,正如我不是学者一样. 2.Do not carry any more than you need to.不用带走任何你不需要的东西

农重1175: 用not和but造句(要简单) - 作业帮
粱别15767031981:[答案] Although it is not my fault,but i can help you to solve it. 尽管这不是我的错,但我可以帮你解决它.

农重1175: not……until造句要10个谢谢 - 作业帮
粱别15767031981:[答案] Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking直到老师来学生们才停止讲话 Not until next week will the sports meet be held.直到下个星期才才运动会 It was not until his mother came back that he had lunch.直到母亲回来他才吃饭 It was not ...

农重1175: not能组什么三年级的句子 -
粱别15767031981: 1. not能组什么三年级的句子2. He is not kind3. He is not kind4. He is not kind5. He is not kind6. He is not kind7. He is not kind