

答:你好,感谢你对英语牛人团的信任,我们在此响应你的词汇辨析求助。LEGAL是法律上的合法。举例:1 - To kill the innocent can't be legal. 谋杀无辜者必定是违法行为。2 - The suspect will soon be facing his legal case in court. 这个嫌疑人很快就要在法庭面对法律的裁决。LEGITIMATE更宽泛,...

日剧《LEGAL HIGH2》广末凉子在哪一集出现
答:第4集 剧情简介:这次古美门法律事务所,接到一个邻居纠纷的案子。来委托的东山冬海,是在与邻居太太希平夏起争执时,遭到对方以插花剪刀刺进腹部而受重伤。可是在刑事判决,却判夏是正当防卫而无罪,气不过的冬海来找古美门求助。第8集 剧情简介:古美门在黛真知子与羽生的邀请下,来到以OZAOZA森林被...

答:It is the responsibility of all Divisions to ensure student information is protected at all times from any and all third parties except where required for specific cases such as legal requirements or where the student has provided consent for a third party to have access. Any access provided ...

Legal representative 是法人代表吗
答:在多数情况,legal representative都等同legal personal representative,指遗产继承中的遗产的管理人(administrator)、遗嘱执行人(executor),法院指定的遗产受托人(judicial trustee of the estate)以及未成年人的财产或/和人身监护人(guardian of the person or estate, or both, of a minor);此外...

legal department是什么意思
答:法律部门;以上结果来自金山词霸 1.To see exactly what it was that youtube did to anger groupon's legaldepartment you merely need to go to their homepage.要想知道优酷网干了什么激怒了团宝网的法律部门,您只需去他们的官网上看看就可以了解了。 2.A sharp legal ...

苹果审核被拒 - 5. 1.1 Legal: Privacy - Data Collection and Stor...
答:Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage We noticed that your app requires users to register with personal information to purchase in-app purchase products that are not account based.Apps cannot require user registration prior to allowing access to app content ...

legal responsibility是什么意思
答:法律责任;例句:1.Attempts to get the middlemen, such as internet service providers, to take legalresponsibility have failed.试图联系诸如网络服务商的中间商来承担法律责任也是没用的。2.All these efforts will have a far-reaching impact on the establishment and perfection ofthe legal ...

答:Legal Representative (企业的法人代表)

答:You may also want to review the Technical Q&A QA1937: Resolving the Privacy-Sensitive Data App Rejection page for details on how to provide a usage description for permission request alerts. Please see attached screenshots for details. 2019年8月7日 上午9:07 发件人 Apple We noticed that your...

SQL 数据LOAD报错Not a legal OleAut date
答:It means that somewhere in the program is attempting to convert to or from an OLE Automation Date outside the valid range 1-January-4713 BC to 31-December-9999 AD. It might have slipped through because OLE Automation Dates are represented as a double.Start by looking for any ...

叔民4973: c语言 为什么出现illegal indirection -
厍航15685729816: 你需要再看看局部变量、函数调用的相关内容,改错如下:void main() { char a[30]; gets(a); change(a);//这里这样就可以了 puts(a); } void change(char a[]) { char *p=a;//这里的p未定义吧 for(;*p!=0;p++) if(*p>='a'&&*p<='z') *p+=32; }

叔民4973: *(volatile u8*)addr=data ARM 数据总线D0 - D31地址总线A0 - A25 -
厍航15685729816: *(volatile u8*)addr=data 右边的data被强制转换成了8位*(volatile u32 *)addr=data,data分别为8位,16位和32位 高位数据全部为0,0xff相当于0x000000f

叔民4973: ex.c出现问题为illegal character 问题 declaration syntax error 在tc2.0运行 -
厍航15685729816: #include<stdio.h>#define N 10 struct stu { int number; char name[10]; int score[3]; int sum; float aver; }; struct stu student[N],*s=student;/**********************************************************/ input() { int i; printf("number\tscore1\tscore2\tscore3\tname\n...

叔民4973: C语言问题 提示错误illegal indirection -
厍航15685729816: #include "stdio.h" void dis(char *); int main() { char *i[2]={"iv","ms"}; dis(*i); getchar(); } void dis(char *p) { int i; char b; for(i=0;i<2;i++) { b=(*(p+i)); printf("%c",b); } }

叔民4973: '+=' : illegal for struct在c语言错误提示中是什么意思 -
厍航15685729816: +=的运算符,不可以是结构体类型.+=是C语言中的一个特殊运算符,其形式为 a+=b 功能为 a=a+b 即计算a和b的和,并赋值给a.+=操作中的操作数a,可以说C语言的基础类型,如int, short, float, double,char,等,也可以是任意一种指针类型.即a的类型,必须可以做赋值,可以做加法.而结构体类型,本身是不可以做加法的.这样在a为一个结构体变量时,就会出现'+=' : illegal for struct错误.