

求单音节单词,元音结尾的英语单词30个 比如:see ,me,car,之类的~
bee,she,he,tea,hey,hi,hear,boy,guy,we,they,are,be,the ,a,to,lie,lay,why,for,day,her.say.try,one,so,by,more,joy,die

bee, she, he, tea, hey, hi, hear, boy, guy, we, they, are, be,the ,a, to, lie,lay,why,for, day, her. say. try,one, so, by, more, joy, die

...op、ear、fer、ew、it 、night、hight结尾的单词有哪些?
fact 事实 ticket 票子 limit town城镇 map地图 pop流行的 fear害怕 dear亲爱的 tear眼泪 hear 听到 near在…附近 bear熊 溺爱 pear 梨 prefer offer 喜欢 提供 interview 面试 review new新的 knew 知道(past tense)hit打 lit tonight今天晚上 ...


以—ise结尾的英语单词要30个 急
后缀-ize(-ise)可以加在名词或形容词的后面构成动词,表示"照……样子做"、"按……方式处理"、"使成为……"、"变成……状态"、"……化"的意思。例如:dramatic(戏剧的)→dramatize(改编成剧本), modern(现代的)→modernize(现代化),organ(组织)→organize(组织起来),civil(文明的)...

以……结束的英语,不是end……with 两个单词, 以……开始,例子begin...
以……结束 end with end up with以……结束;最终成为;以告终;come to an end put an end to sth 以……开始 begin...with;start ...with open with 祝你开心如意!

有没有人能告诉我以下7个字母结尾的英语单词 越多越好 z x y w...
thirty cow,row, now, know,bow,show,slow,law,saw,few,sew,new laugh,cough,hush, rush, tough, rough,enough, teach, catch,finish,fish,rubbish,dish dog,fog,egg,dig,bag,frog,lag,fig bad,salad,god ,hazard,wizard,crowd,broad,head,lead,glad,plead ,...

My School life 我的学校生活 My name is Beth.I'm 14 years old,and I study in No.1 Middle School of Hangzhou.My school is very big and beautiful.I'm very happy in the school.我是Beth.我今年十四岁,就读于杭州一中.我就读的学校(面积)非常大,而且还很美丽.我非常开心自己能上...

My School life 我的学校生活 My name is Beth.I'm 14 years old,and I study in No.1 Middle School of Hangzhou.My school is very big and beautiful.I'm very happy in the school.我是Beth.我今年十四岁,就读于杭州一中.我就读的学校(面积)非常大,而且还很美丽.我非常开心自己能上...

求结尾为 lly 的单词一个一分,最多给分,直接追加,不浪费
lovely quickly sadly happily beautifully ridiculously wonderfully slowly quietly noisily greatly potentially largely richly poorly healthily sickly strongly weakly thoughtfully excitedly clearly murkily deeply madly strangely easily hardly badly forcefully brutally crazily cleverly stupidly wisely dreadfully...

漆废5591: 以et结尾的单词只需要五个, - 作业帮
金届13595836638:[答案] bet 打赌 get 获得 jet 喷气式飞机 let 让... met 是meet的过去式,相遇 net 网 pet 宠物 set 设置 只是3个字母的就已经有这么多了...

漆废5591: 带et结尾英文单词 - 作业帮
金届13595836638:[答案] let 让、使 wet 潮湿的 net 网络 set 设置、安放.bet 打赌 get得到.het (heat的过去式、过去分词)jet 喷气式飞机ket态矢,刃 met( meet的过去式、过去分词)pet 宠物vet 兽医 meet feet beet weet forget

漆废5591: 以et结尾的单词

漆废5591: 以et结尾的三个字母的单词有哪些? - 作业帮
金届13595836638:[答案] bet fet get het jet ket let met net pet ret set tet vet...

漆废5591: 英语单词三个字母et结尾的单词
金届13595836638: bet 打赌 set 设置 net网