

We cannot get off the bus now.我们现在不能下车。get off下车

now that的意思及造句是?
now that:由于;既然(引导原因状语从句);例句 1.Now that all of us are together.现在我们所有人都在一起了.2.Now that you have all your equipment,we can get started.现在你把所有东西都准备好了,我们可以开始了.3.Now that you cannot show them,therefore I cannot love you.现在你不...

用before,i couldn't…now…来造句
造句:Before I attended the spoken English class,I couldn't speak any English word,now I can communicate with a native speaker fluently.意思是:在我参加英语口语课程之前,我都说不了一个英语单词,现在我能和一位以英语为母语的人流利地沟通了。

He said he had gone to private school before now.于是我就问他,怎么以前我从没有见过他呢,他说在来这所学校以前他上的是私立学校。'This should have been decided long before now.'&'We can't think of everything. '“这个在此之前早该决定了。”&“我们不可能考虑得面面俱到。”The...

句子:I am watching TV(now).我正在看电视.He is playing computer(now).他正在玩电脑.They are eating(now).他门正在吃饭.短语:playing basketball 正在打蓝球 doing homework 正在做作业 leaening class 正在听课

shopping和now造句:Today's grandma's birthday. Let's do some shopping now.今天是你奶奶的生日,我们现在去买些东西吧 shopping造句:It's less than five minutes' walk to a shopping mall.走路不到五分钟就有成片的商店 now造句:Now we’re ready to design.现在我们准备开始设计 解析:句...

Now you would like to go shopping.

right now 什么意思

短语 l will cry sadly 我仅会哭泣 while somebody cry sadly 也有人落泪伤悲 Also somebody cry sadly 也有人落泪伤悲 Now,the rabbit back and can't find their home, sadly cry.小兔回来,找不到自己的家,伤心地哭起来。

now that的意思及造句是?
now that:由于;既然(引导原因状语从句);例句 1.Now that all of us are together.现在我们所有人都在一起了。2.Now that you have all your equipment,we can get started.现在你把所有东西都准备好了,我们可以开始了。3.Now that you cannot show them,therefore I cannot love you.现在你不...

雍纪2955: by的所有用法,并给出例句 -
花魏17758188034: 1.用于被动语态的句子中,表示动作的执行者,意为“被;由”. He was praised by the teacher.他受到了老师的表扬. The book was written by Lu Xun.这本书是鲁迅写的. 2.表示方式、方法、手段等,后常接无冠词的名词或动名词,意为“通...

雍纪2955: by now 在句中要用是什么时态 -
花魏17758188034: 看情况而定.常用完成时.也可以用一般时,过去时,将来完成时.Her secret remains untold by now.How many people have accessed your homepage by now ?By now the power of the Roma...

雍纪2955: by now的同义短语,谢了! -
花魏17758188034: up to now =so far=by now

雍纪2955: 句末有by now用什么时态 -
花魏17758188034: 用完成时态!! 例如: It is the biggest donation we have received by now.