

be likely to do的用法
be likely to do意思是很有可能做。likely的基本意思是“可能的”“适合的”。用作表语时,可接带to的动词不定式或that-clause。likely前可用very修饰。侧重于表示事情还没做,在讨论可能性。be likely to do的用法 e likely to用于谈论可能性,例如 Are parents who have a lot of money likely...

be likely to do是什么意思
be likely to do表示“可能做某事”,不定式to do无法跟前面的系表结构分离出去而单独做成分,因为它在表意上,跟系表融为一体,不可分割。例如:It seemed to Rosicky that for good, honest boys like his, the worst they could do on the farm was better than the best they would be ...

It is likely to是什么意思

be likely to \\ be said to \\be supposed to 这些词组对不对,如果对...
be likely to:conj. 可能(可预期的)it is said that:ad. 有人说(据说)be supposed to:conj. 应该(据说,被期望,获准)

be likely to 是什么意思?

be likely to什么意思?
be likely to do 可能作某事的意思

be liable to 和 be likely to 的区别
be liable for 对…应负责任 be likely to 很有可能 两个词组意思相差太悬殊 be liable for 只有“对…应负责任”的意思 而be liable to 有你说的意思 be liable to(do something)1. 有义务(做某事)2. 有(做某事)的习惯(或倾向)3. 易于(得病等)——易于得病的意思 ...

be more likely to是什么意思
be more likely to 更容易 be likely to英[bi: ˈlaikli tu:]美[bi ˈlaɪkli tu]可能;[例句]Firms such as icap are attempting to anticipate what would be likely to happen in the hours and days of the initial shock if a breakup were to occur.毅联汇业等公司...

be likely to do是什么意思
是可能不的意思 我查了牛津高阶词典 上海译文出版社 2011年版的 里面的例句是he is not likely to have a good mark because of his stomachache.他可能由于胃痛而不能获得好成绩。

be able to 和 be likely to 有什么不同?
首先 二者的主语 都是人 be able to强调的是人的能力问题 比如解决问题的能力 或者游泳啊 运动的!!而 be likely to是可能的意思 意思是推测的 例如; He is able to solve the problem He is likely to be here tommorrow 很明显的区分!

江泡3048: belikelyto有几个意思?belikelyto有几个意思,
黄彭13090247188: belikelyto有几个意思,分别是什么? :一个意思,很有可能 望采纳 !!!!

江泡3048: you an me have absence belikeLyto. 什么意思 -
黄彭13090247188: 这句子好像不对吧,大概是我们都好像心不在焉

江泡3048: be likely to do sth什么意思? -
黄彭13090247188: 这个短语的意思是,有可能做什么事情.前面的主语可以是人,也可以是事情.举个例子,他有可能会来参加我们的聚会. He is likely to come to our party.

江泡3048: be likely to do是什么意思 -
黄彭13090247188: be likely to do 可能做 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 很有可能 2. 可能作某事 例句: In almost every other country, additional monetary stimulus would belikely to do nothing more than blow dangerous financial bubbles. 在其它几乎所有国家,再次祭出货币刺激政策,可能只会捅破危险的金融泡沫.