

be likely to是短语动词吗?
是形容词短语。BE LIKELY TO DO STH.很可能做某事。。

sb is likely to do 某人可能做某事 这样说对么 请多指教!!!
完全可以的 这里是有用到 表示可能的几个常用词汇 likely, possible and probable 区别,都有表示可能,但是 后面的可能性更大 注意:如果句首是形式主语it 那么可以用 it is likely\/possible \/probable that 从句的用法 如果主语是人 Sb be likely to do ...

likely是形容词,为什么可以用likely to
可以是形容词··be likely to do sth.指的是可能做什么 比如说,可能在早晨,likely to be in the morning.这个是不可以的···可以这么造句 He is the likeliest person for the job.他是最适合做这份工作的人。She is not likely to come next month.她下月很可能不来。

be likely to do 一般用什么时态?谢谢!
be likely to do 指 “有可能做某事”, 这是一个词组,可以用于任意时态的句子中。因为时态是与事件,状态发生的时间有关系,与句子中的时间状语相一致,而与词组关系不大。相比较而言,将来时态和过去将来时态时态稍微要多一些。

有没有 it is likely (FOR SB) to do 我知道到有 It is likely that \/...
一.likely强调表面上看来有可能,与probable意思接近,有时可以互换,但likely常暗示从表面迹象来判断;probable则经过权衡正反两方面的理由后而相信某事是真实的或大概会发生。常用结构有:1. 主语(人或物)is likely to do sth.2. It is likely that从句。Eg: It is likely that she would like...

英语语法to have done
接在likely to后面,所以是接现在完成have done,实际上是表示过去完成。举多几个相似的例子帮助了解吧:"he was likely to do it" = It was probable that he would do it. (future in the past)他过去很有可能去做这件事(过去未来)"he is likely to have done it" = It is probable ...

be likely to相关用法
sb\/sth be likely to do..有可能做过某事就用be likely to have done It's likely that...

Be likely to do something"中likely可以换成什么?
Be likely to do something" 很可能去做某事 可以换成:be apt to do something 倾向于做某事 be prone to do something 很有可能做某事 be inclined to do something 趋向于做某事

more likely后面一定加to do吗?
当然不是,例如做副词时 Premature birth is three times more likely for twins, and delivery at 36 to 38 weeks is normal 主语不是主动对象:Infections are more likely in those suffering from malnutrition

...within a week A.probable B.possible C.likely D.certain
1. 答案:C.2. 翻译:我几乎不可能在一周之内把它做完。3. 解释:1)只有likely可以构成:sb be likely to do sth的句型,而其他表示“可能的”的形容词如probable\/possible做表语时,其句子主语不能说sb.2)同样,certain做表语时,其主语一般不能是sb,而且句意也不太通顺。参考资料:英语牛人...

蔺厘6313: 英语造句be likely to do 要有中文意思 - 作业帮
游国13824173474:[答案] He's likely to go abroad. 他很有可能出国. It's likely that he will go abroad. 他很有可能出国

蔺厘6313: 英语造句be likely to do 要有中文意思 -
游国13824173474: He's likely to go abroad. 他很有可能出国. It's likely that he will go abroad. 他很有可能出国

蔺厘6313: 根据sb be likely to do造句 -
游国13824173474: she is likely to go here tomorrow.