

英语造句 简单点 要有翻译
2.I went to Beijing but I didn't see my sister.我去了北京,但是并没有见到姐姐。3.With so many different forms of poety to choose from,I felt confused.有这么多的诗歌形式可供选择,我感到很困惑。4.I'm hardly likely to finish it within a week.我很难在一周之内完成它。5. ...

Secondly, we should analyze the reasons 高三英语作文 作为一名高中生,我们该如何看待失败timely to avoid making similar mistakes. Last but not least, we are supposed to make appropriate changes and more efforts. Only in this way are we more likely to succeed. As for me. I have a positive ...

If one enters a private house without asking for permission, he is likely to be accused of trespassing or even burglary .译:假如某人未经许可擅入私宅,他就会因侵入或偷窃行为而受到控告。

根据英语词组造句子从keep one`s space time.take part in.agre...
I agree with your opinion.我同意你的观点,0,根据英语词组造句子 从keep one`s space time.take part in.agree with.lead to at least.send fur.on average.lie careless likely to.fall contrast.behave like.take changes.make visits to中任选十个词组,每个...

The Prime Minister is now 64 years old and in all probability this will be the lastelection that he is likely to contest I will say no more on these matters, important though they are Will you stay for supper?Will you drive me home?You will do as I request, if you please...

the more likely reason is造句
更可能的原因是老师想测试一下你是否诚实。The more likely reason is that the plane occurred mechnical problems.更可能的原因是飞机发生了机械故障。The more likely reason is that he didn't have breakfast in that morning which led to his cold.更可能的原因是他那天早晨没吃早饭而导致感冒。

来自《简明英汉词典》4. It's so cloudy and cold that it's likely to snow. 天气又阴又冷,大半要下雪。 提问者评价 太给力了,你的回答完美解决了我的问题! 评论| 画角声中牧马 |来自团队探讨历史 |六级采纳率58% 擅长:教育\/科学文化\/艺术历史话题地理谜语...

希望英语好的能帮帮忙翻译下 分数还会追加的 谢谢大家了
各造一句)It's very possible for him be late tomorrow.He will be very likely to be late tomorrow.6. 名词前有序数次修饰,可用动词不定式作位置定语。造句:他是第一个获得第29届奥运会金牌的运动员。He was the first athlete to win the gold medal in the 29th Olympic games....

Carlos likes to handle things in a practical way.卡洛斯喜欢用实际的方式来解决问题。ambitious:An ambitious person is more likely to succeed than anyone else.一个有雄心壮志的人会比别人更成功。adventurous:Tom Sawyer is an adventurous character created by Mark Twain in his book "The ...

There ought to have been someone on duty all the time. 本来应该有人全天值班。There shall be no more wars. 再也不会打仗了。There is going to be a rain. 要下雨了。There's likely to be an interview.可能会有一场面试。There has to be a mistake. 必定有错。There exist many ...

史怨518: 用be likely to 造句子 -
姬园19841435596: be likely to 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 1.可能;倾向于 2.很有可能 1.Mane Comb: I recommend plastic, you will be less likely to break the hairs 鬃毛梳子:如同人用的单齿梳子,较短,有金属和塑料材质,塑料较轻柔更保护马毛. 2.People ...

史怨518: 英语造句be likely to do 要有中文意思 - 作业帮
姬园19841435596:[答案] He's likely to go abroad. 他很有可能出国. It's likely that he will go abroad. 他很有可能出国

史怨518: 用be likely to turn one's back to造句一个词组要造两句 - 作业帮
姬园19841435596:[答案] He is likely to go home!my sister was likely to eat mooncakes!Don't turn your back to others!He turned his back to his mother!