

everyone is working here

Everyone who reached the top of Mount Tai was rewarded with a magnificent view.

everyone knows的相关句子有哪些?
12. be known by one and all等。造句:As everyone knows, this kind of voice can grate on your nerves. 这是谁也可以想象出来的一种难听的声音.As everyone knows, meditation and water are wedded for ever. 大家都知道, 沉思和水是始终结合在一起的.As is know to all,China has the...

英语造句... 急!~
1.Around the 15th of August, everyone rush back to their hometown.八月十五日前后,大家都纷纷返乡。2.I run back to my room and retrieve my bag.我奔回房间取回自己的提包。3.Good luck with you.祝你好运。4.Nobody can always have good luck.没有人始终能够有好运。5.What a bad ...

every ['evri]adj.每一[个]的 一切的, 全部的, 完全的 [和数词连用]每隔...的, 每...中的 一切可能的, 充分的 every year 每年 fight every inch of land 寸土必争 every bit 每一点, 完全, 全部 every now and then 习惯用语 everyone of them [用于句子末尾]统统, 毫无例外 everyone ...

1 Either you or your father must see this young man today.你或是你的父亲今天必须见这位年轻人。2He will come on time even though it rains.即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。1 we should help each other 2 everyone likes the polite people ...

call for everyone's attention造句
call for 是需要的意思。这还不简单 需要每个人的注意,我现在要装逼了。。。call for everyone's attention,now i am going to zhuang13

请用以下句式造句(每个各两句) 1.have\/has got 2.watch sb do sth...
I haven’t got a bike. I have got it.我明白了 Lucy watched him go.露西看着他走了。Everyone stopped to watch what was going on.每个人都停下来看发生了什么事。Now more and more people are streaming into big cities.越来越多人涌进大城市。More and more people are giving up ...

并非所有人 Not all people,not everyone 但是,并非所有人都认同这种观点。Not everyone is enthusiastic about this idea, however.

英语 天生的怎么 造句子
单词:inherent 与生俱来的 造句:Liberty of speech is an inherent right for a person.翻译:言论自由是人们与生俱来的权利。词组:born to be\/with... 和上述同意 造句1:Everyone is born with human rights.翻译1:人权是与生俱来的。造句2:The Prince was born to be prond 翻译2:...

亓黎1401: 用everyone怎么造句 急急急!! -
平保13088363958: Everyone has their dreams

亓黎1401: 英语单词everyone怎么造句 -
平保13088363958: everyone 英 [ˈevriwʌn] 美 [ˈɛvriˌwʌn] pron. 每人,人人 双语例句 1 Everyone in the street was shocked when they heard the news 听到那条消息,街上所有的人都震惊了. 2 Everyone feels like a failure at times 人们有时会觉得自己是个失败者.

亓黎1401: everyone单数造句 - 作业帮
平保13088363958:[答案] Everyone should comply with the law 每个人都应该遵守法律 Everyone has a secret. 人人都有秘密.

亓黎1401: 儿童everyone的句子怎么造 -
平保13088363958: Is everyone here? 大家都zd到齐了吗? Everyone knows him well. 大家都非常了解他. Is everyone here? 大家都到齐了吗? Everyone knows him well. 大家都非常了解他. Is everyone here? 大家都到齐了吗? Everyone knows him well. 大家都非常了解他.