一首女人唱的英文歌 高潮部分的歌词有 this time i feel ,now i stanging here my heart so burn i can't With you ___by ,I can"t say an...

作者&投稿:茶鹏 2024-09-21

全部自己听过,艾薇儿新专辑中what the hell.wish you were here(伤感).when i remember(伤感).goodbye伤.not enough伤.smile.stop stanging there.她以前的innocence(超伤感).when you are gone(伤感)nobody's home(伤感).等都很好听。泰勒斯威夫特:back to december.蕾哈娜:cry.love the way you lie.stupid in love.玛利亚凯利:we belong together,i still belive.my all

试试听下To the dancers in the rain吧,还是很好听哦。

可能是 When You Believe
演唱者 玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey)和惠特妮·休斯顿(Whitney Elizabeth Houston)
试听地址 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTMxMzMwMA==.html

Many nights we've pray.很多夜里我们总在祈祷。
With no proof anyone could hear.不渴求谁都去倾听.   
And our hearts a hopeful song.用心声编织成一曲希望之歌.   
We barely understood.即使连自己都参不透.   
Now we are not afraid.如今我们鼓起勇气.   
Although we know there's much to fear.尽管我们知道有太多的事令人畏惧.   
We were moving mountains long.总得跋山涉水后   
Before we knew we could. 才知晓自己能做到   
There can be miracles when you believe. 只要你相信奇迹就会发生.   
Though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫.   
It's hard to kill.却难以抹杀.   
Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁能预料到你会达成什么奇迹.   
When you believe,somehow you will只要你相信,奇迹自然会发生!   
You will when you believe! 只要你相信它,它就会发生!   
In this time of fear.当你面对恐惧时.   
When prayer so often proves in vain.当频频祈祷都落空时.   
Hope seems like the summer birds.当希望像是夏日的鸟儿.   
Too swiftly flown away.过眼而不及.   
And now I am standing here.然而此刻我站在这里.   
My heart's so full I can't explain.心中充满难以表达的激情.   
Seeking faith and speaking words I never thought I’dsay.寻觅信仰,说着未曾想说的话.   There can be miracles when you believe. 只要你相信奇迹就会发生.   
Though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫.   
It's hard to kill.却难以抹杀.   
Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁能预料到你会达成什么奇迹.   
When you believe,somehow you will只要你相信,奇迹自然会发生!   
You will when you believe! 只要你相信它,它就会发生!   
They don't always happen when you ask.生活免不了有孤身无助的时候.   
And it's easy to give in to your fear.屈服于恐惧轻而易举.   
But when you're blinded by your pain.当你被痛苦蒙住了双眼.   
Can't see your way safe through the rain.在风雨中看不到出路.   
Thought of a still resilient voice.想到一个回荡耳边的声音.   
Says love is very near.告诉你爱已指日可待.   
There can be miracles when you believe. 只要你相信奇迹就会发生.   
Though hope is frail.尽管希望渺茫.   
It's hard to kill.却难以抹杀.   
Who knows what miracles you can achieve谁能预料到你会达成什么奇迹.   
When you believe,somehow you will只要你相信,奇迹自然会发生!   
Somehow you will. 奇迹自然会发生   
You will when you believe! 只要你相信它,它就会发生!   
You will when you believe! 只要你相信它,它就会发生!   
Just believe. 只需相信   
I believe. 我坚信   
You will when you believe! 只要你相信它,它就会发生!


一首女生唱的英文歌 很高 然后高潮部分歌词重复好几次 什么baby You...
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求一首英文歌 是个女的唱的 节奏很好听 高潮部分好像是这样子的
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我知道 是不是 I will always love you-Whitney Houston

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一首英文歌女人唱的 高潮部分有 (拼音读 特ruang 特ruang
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