
作者&投稿:干疤 2024-06-30
把……与……比较 英语短语翻译

compare to

in the past

那么就是 compared with/to the past + 完整的句子

也可以用 unlike the past, +完成的句子


Comparing with the past, now (+主语)......

comparing the present with the past

compare the present with the past


答:1.有钱做某事:have the money to do sth;afford to do sth 2.给某人惹麻烦:put sb to trouble;cause sb trouble 3.在某人死后: after one's death;after sb died 4.开始上高中: begin/start one's (senior) high school, become a senior high student 5.怀念过去的时光: miss the...

答:past tense form是过去式,是动词的五种基本形式之一,另外四种基本形式是:verb stem 动词原形,third person singular present tense form 第三人称单数现在式,past participle 过去分词,present participle 现在分词。phrasal verb是短语动词,是由动词加介系词或副词构成的动词,其含义相当于一个动词。...

答:Now many cities and towns do not have enough water.

答:→Sweet§ 的那句 of 后面改成 of him being nearby 把句子变成名词性短语跟在介词后面应该就可以了 另外,前面直接用过去时就可以了吧 全句为 Sorry that I gave away the secret because I wasn't conscious of him being nearby 不用Of的话 Sorry that I gave away the secret because I ...

答:an apper the monkeng a banane

答:初中英语常用短语集锦(六)时间: 2009年03月19日 作者:匿名 来源:本站原创 501. jump out of 跳出来 502. jump over 跳过去 503. jump the queue 插队 504. jump through 跳过 505. just a minute / moment 等一会儿 506. just now / right now刚才,现在,立即,马上 507. just then 正在那时 508....

现在分词,过去分词分别与动名词的区别,比如翻译"漏水的桶", 用那个形 ...
答:2. 分词作定语分词作定语时,单个的分词通常放在被修饰的名词之前,分词短语一般置于所修饰的中心词后面。现在分词修饰的是发出该动作的名词(与名词有主谓关系),过去分词修饰承受该动作的名词(与名词是动宾关系)。Eg. This is really an exhausting day to all of us!We can see the part of the ...

英语中的时态有将来过去时吗??请翻译下面的这句话,谢谢。 例句:_百度...

答:It just means in the past up until now.前半句:【这个(时间副词或短语)的意思是:从过去发生持续到现在】。【it 在这句话中指的是前面句中出现的时间副词或短语】she has always been hesitant means always hesitating.后半句:【(she has always been hesitant这种现在完成的表达)她总是很...

答:一.相近介词和介词短语 1. With the help of 在~~帮助下 under the leadership / care of 在~~领导/关心下 2. be strict with sb. 对~人要求严格 be strict in sth. 对~事要求严格 3. at present=at the present time 目前 for the present 暂时 4. in the sun/sunshine 在阳光下 under the...