the little red hen这个故事的原文谁有啊 the little red hen这本书好看吗

作者&投稿:惠差 2024-07-02
the little red hen原文


The Little Red Hen A Tale of Hard Work Illustrated by Linda Dockey Graves Other illustrations byMarty Noble Adapted by Jennifer Boudart The little red hen lived next to the roadby the farmer’s house. Where she livedwasn’t very fancy, but she loved it. Sheshared her home with her five baby chicks and her friends, the dog, the cat,and the duck. The little red hen worked very hard. She kept the house and the yard neat andclean. There always seemed to be plentyof work to do in order to keep everything looking good. Everyone liked having a clean house andgood food on the table. When it cam timeto do the chores, though, the others always seemed to have something else todo. As soon as the hen would send herbaby chicks out to play, the older animals always seemed to disappear,too. The little red hen did all the workherself. Her days were filled withmaking beds, cleaning, gardening, and cooking. One day, the little red hen was sweepingher yard. When she looked down on theground, she found some kernels of wheat. She put the kernels into her pocket for safe keeping. Then she went to look for the dog, cat, andduck. She found them by the pond. She showed them the kernels and asked, “Whowill help me plant these?” Her three friends looked at eachother. Then they looked at the littlered hen. “Not us,” they said. “Right nowwe need to take a nap.” “I’ll plant them myself,” she toldthem. The little red hen returned to thegarden and began digging. Soon her babychicks came to see what she was doing. The little red hen and her five baby chicks pretended they were buryingtreasure. The game made the work goquickly. Soon they had planted all thekernels. The little red hen visited the gardenevery day to watch the wheat grow. Shemade sure the young plants got plenty of sunshine and care. One day she found her three friends leaningagainst the farmer’s barn. The littlered hen said, “There are weeds that are stopping the wheat from growing. Will you help me pull the weeds?” “I can’t,” said the cat. “They’re all dirty. Do you have any idea how long it takes me towash my paws?” The dog and the duck both had excuses,too. No one could help. “I’ll just do itmyself,” said the little red hen. Thenshe walked back to the garden. Onceagain, her chicks joined her. They had acontest to see who could pull the most weeds. It was such fun that they finished in no time. A dry spell kept the rain away for aweek. The little red hen was worriedabout the wheat. If the plants didn’tget some water soon, the tender stalks would wither and die. The only thing to do was bring water to theplants. She went looking for herfriends. She found them on top of the haypile. The hen looked up and said, “Thesummer heat is to strong for the wheat. Who will help me water the garden?” The dog, the cat, and the duck looked ather. “We’re busy writing a song andcan’t be bothered now,” growled the dog. “Didn’t you hear me playing my banjo?” “I’ll just water it myself,” shesaid. The little red hen took herwatering pail to the garden. Her chickscame to keep her company. The henpretended to be a thundercloud and tried to sprinkle them with water. Beforelong, the whole garden had been watered. The summer sun was very good, and thewheat grew fast. The little red hen andher chicks visited the garden every day. They lovingly tended to the wheat, and it grew strong and hardy. There was going to be a bumper crop! Soon it was fall and the wheat turnedgolden brown. The little red hen knewwhat that meant. She found her friendsplaying cards under the farmer’s wagon. The hen knelt down and said, “Who will help me harvest the wheat?” The dog, the cat, and the duck kept theireyes on their cards. “Not us!” theymumbled. “Can’t you see we’re busy?” Thehen stood up and fixed he apron. “I’llharvest it myself,” she said. The littlered hen took her cutting tools to the garden. This time the five chicks were waiting for her. The family cut the wheat and tied it intobundles. They sang songs, and soon thehard work was done. Even though she had already spent a greatdeal of time and energy on the garden, the little red hen knew the work was notfinished. She often told her chicks thatif a job was worth doing, it was worth doing well. Thelittle red hen went looking for her friends. She found them sitting by the road. “I need to have the wheat ground into flour,” she said. “Who will help me carry it to the miller?” The dog, the cat, and the duck looked waydown the road. The miller was locatedseveral miles away. “Not us!” the triosaid together. “It’s too far for us towalk.” Once again, the little red hen would haveto do it herself. She and her chicksleft right away. They had a long journeyahead of them, and the chicks moved slowly. The trip seemed to go much faster when they pretended to be hobostraveling with their knapsacks across the country. The little red hen returned home. She and the chicks were so tired that theysoon fell asleep. That night everyoneslept very well. The next morning, thelittle red hen went outside. Her friendswere sunbathing on the roof. She calledto them, “Who will help me bake bread with my flour?” The dog, the cat, and the duck didn’teven bother looking down. “It’s abeautiful day. Who would want to beindoors baking bread?” observed the dog. The hen shook her head. She thought, “Who would want to spend all daydoing nothing?” She told the three,“I’ll bake it myself.” The little redhen went inside. Her chicks tried tomake the bread dough for her. Flour wasall over the floor and the chicks, too. They shaped the dough into a big loaf and pretended to be sculptorsmaking a statue. Everyone was sorry tohave to stop when the loaf was finished. The smell of baking bread floated in theair. The dog, the cat, and the duck cameand looked into the kitchen. Two babychicks danced around the little red hen. She asked, “Who will help eat this tasty, fresh bread?” “We will!” squeaked all five of herchicks. “We will!” cried the group in thedoorway. “Well,” said the little red hen, “anyonewho helped make this bread can have some. So, if you helped plant the wheat, water it, weed it, harvest it, takeit to the miller, or bake the bread, raise your hand!” That night, six tummies got their fill of thebread as a reward for work well done. Hard Work Playing is always more fun than working…oris it? Think about how the dog, the cat,and the duck in this story spent their days. Now think about how the little red hen and her chicks spent theirdays. Who do you think had more fun andexcitement? This story shows us that when you worktogether, you can have fun, too. Youalso get to enjoy the rewards of your work. What would you rather spend your time doing? * taken from Treasury ofVirtues-Courage-Love-Honesty



The Little Red Hen


The little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chickens, when she found a grain of wheat.


“Who will plant this wheat?” she said.


“Not I,” said the Goose.


“Not I,” said the Duck.


“I will, then,” said the little Red Hen, and she planted the grain of wheat.


When the wheat was ripe she said, “Who will take this wheat to the mill?”


“Not I,” said the Goose.


“Not I,” said the Duck.


“I will, then,” said the little Red Hen, and she took the wheat to the mill.


When she brought the flour home she said, “Who will make some bread with this flour?”


“Not I,” said the Goose.


“Not I,” said the Duck.


“I will, then,” said the little Red Hen.


When the bread was baked, she said, “Who will eat this bread?”


“I will,” said the Goose.


“I will,” said the Duck.


“No, you won’t,” said the little Red Hen. “I shall eat it myself. Cluck! Cluck!” And she called her chickens to help her.




《The Little Red Hen》红色小母鸡,是一个英文传统童话,一本非常经典的英文原版绘本,纽约公共图书馆推荐的100本人人都应该知道的绘本之一。

对于幼儿英语启蒙的孩子,他们肯定会不知不觉地喜欢上那只可爱勤劳的小母鸡,同时从画面和语气中领悟到:当小母鸡请求dog、cat、mouse帮忙时,他们那懒散、不屑地回答“NOT I”是什么意思; 也能领悟到:当小母鸡问谁愿意吃这个面包的时候,他们“I will”的回答到底是什么意思。


一、the little red hen(小红母鸡)原文:Storyteller:Once upon a time, a cat, a dog, a mouse and a little red hen all livedtogether in a cosy little house.旁白:从前,有一只猫,一只狗,一只老鼠和一只小红母鸡共同生活在一个温暖舒适的小房子里。
Cat: I like sleeping.How comfortable! 我喜欢睡觉。睡觉多舒服呀!
Dog: I like napping under the tree. It makes mefeel good!我喜欢在树底下打盹,这种感觉真好!
Mouse:I like snoozing in the warm chair. Wow ,great! 我喜欢在温暖的椅子上小睡。哇,太棒了!
Hen :So I have to do all the housework.因此小红母鸡不得不做所有的家务。I cook the meals,wash the dishes, and make the beds.我做饭,洗衣,整理床铺。I sweep the floor and clean the windows. 我扫地,擦窗户。
Story teller:One daywhen the little red hen was hoeing the garden she found some grains of wheat.一天,当小红母鸡在锄花园的时候,她发现了一些麦种。
Hen :Wow, I foundsome grain of wheat. This wheat should be planted. Who will plant this wheat?哇,我发现了一些麦种。这些麦种应该被种在地里,谁愿意种这些麦种?
Cat: Not I.我不种。
Dog: Not I.Mouse:NotI.
Hen:Then I will. 好吧,那么我来种!
Story teller: Each morning the little red henwatered thewheat and pulled the weeds.Soon the wheat pushed through the groundandbegan to grow tall. Later the wheat was ripe.每天早上小红母鸡都给这些麦种浇水,拔草。没过多久,种子就发芽了并且开始长高。很快,麦子就熟了。
Hen:The wheat wasripe. who will cut this wheat? 麦子熟了,谁愿意割麦子?
Cat:Not I.我不割。
Dog: Not I.Mouse:NotI.
Hen:Then I will.Hen:Ok,it’s finished. Now, who will take this wheat to themill to be ground into flour? 好了,麦子割完了。现在谁愿意把这些麦子带到磨房磨成面粉?Cat:Not I.我不去。
Dog: Not I.我不去。
Mouse:Not I.我不去。
Hen:Then I will.我愿意去。
Story teller: The little red hen returned from the millcarrying a small bag of fine white flour. 小红母鸡从磨房回来,背着一小袋面粉。
Hen: This is theflour.who will make a cake from this fine white flour? 这是面粉,谁愿意用这些面粉做一个蛋糕?
Cat:Not I.Dog: NotI.Mouse:Not I.
Hen:Then I will.Story teller: she gathered sticks and made a firein the stove. Then she began to make the cake.她找来木棍,在炉子里生火。然后开始做蛋糕。
Hen:I need some milkand sugar and eggs and butter ,then mixed them in a big bowl with the finewhite flour.我需要一些牛奶,糖,鸡蛋和黄油,然后把它们和在盛有面粉的大碗里。
Story teller:When theoven was hot she poured theCake batter into a shinning pan and put it in theoven.Soon a delicious smell filled the cosy little house.当炉子热的时候他把蛋糕面糊倒进闪亮的平底锅,然后把锅放在烤箱里,一会儿,一股香味就弥漫在这个温暖的小屋子里。
Cat: what’s that I’msmilling? Smells mighty fine. I must go and have a look. 我闻到的是什么?闻起来相当好闻,我必须去看一看。
Dog: ohh, it smellssooooo delicious dowm here. I must go and have a look. 哦,闻起来这么香。我必须去看一看。
Mouse: wow, what’sthat? Smells so good. I must go and have a look.哇,这是什么闻起来太香了,我必须去看一看。
Cat, dog, mouse: whatare you doing,little red hen? 你在干吗呢,小红母鸡?
Hen:I am making the cake.我正在做蛋糕。
Cat, dog, mouse:Wow,how beautiful! 哇,多美啊。
Hen:Thank you, now who will eat the cake?谢谢,你们谁吃蛋糕呢?
Cat, dog, mouse: Iwill, I will, I will eat the cake.我愿意,我愿意吃蛋糕。
Hen: No,you can’t. All by myself, I plantedthe wheat, I tended the wheat,I cut the wheat, I took the wheat to the mill tobe ground into flour.不,你们不能。所有的事情都是我一人做的,我种麦子,照料麦子,割麦子,我把麦子带到磨房磨成面粉。All by myself, I gathered the sticks, I built the fire,I mixed the cake. And all by myself. I’m going to eat it!所有的事情都是我一人做的,我找来木柴,我生的火,我做的蛋糕。所以所有的蛋糕都应该由我来吃!
Story teller: so shebegan to eat the cake until the last crumb.她吃完了整个蛋糕甚至连一点屑也没剩。After that,Whenverthere was work to be done, the little red hen always had three very eagerhelpers.从此以后,无论小红母鸡在干什么活,总会有三个非常愿意帮忙的人。



一、the little red hen(小红母鸡)原文:Storyteller:Once upon a time, a cat, a dog, a mouse and a little red hen all livedtogether in a cosy little house.旁白:从前,有一只猫,一只狗,一只老鼠和一只小红母鸡共同生活在一个温暖舒适的小房子里。
Cat: I like sleeping.How comfortable! 我喜欢睡觉。睡觉多舒服呀!
Dog: I like napping under the tree. It makes mefeel good!我喜欢在树底下打盹,这种感觉真好!
Mouse:I like snoozing in the warm chair. Wow ,great! 我喜欢在温暖的椅子上小睡。哇,太棒了!
Hen :So I have to do all the housework.因此小红母鸡不得不做所有的家务。I cook the meals,wash the dishes, and make the beds.我做饭,洗衣,整理床铺。I sweep the floor and clean the windows. 我扫地,擦窗户。
Story teller:One daywhen the little red hen was hoeing the garden she found some grains of wheat.一天,当小红母鸡在锄花园的时候,她发现了一些麦种。
Hen :Wow, I foundsome grain of wheat. This wheat should be planted. Who will plant this wheat?哇,我发现了一些麦种。这些麦种应该被种在地里,谁愿意种这些麦种?
Cat: Not I.我不种。
Dog: Not I.Mouse:NotI.
Hen:Then I will. 好吧,那么我来种!
Story teller: Each morning the little red henwatered thewheat and pulled the weeds.Soon the wheat pushed through the groundandbegan to grow tall. Later the wheat was ripe.每天早上小红母鸡都给这些麦种浇水,拔草。没过多久,种子就发芽了并且开始长高。很快,麦子就熟了。
Hen:The wheat wasripe. who will cut this wheat? 麦子熟了,谁愿意割麦子?
Cat:Not I.我不割。
Dog: Not I.Mouse:NotI.
Hen:Then I will.Hen:Ok,it’s finished. Now, who will take this wheat to themill to be ground into flour? 好了,麦子割完了。现在谁愿意把这些麦子带到磨房磨成面粉?Cat:Not I.我不去。
Dog: Not I.我不去。
Mouse:Not I.我不去。
Hen:Then I will.我愿意去。
Story teller: The little red hen returned from the millcarrying a small bag of fine white flour. 小红母鸡从磨房回来,背着一小袋面粉。
Hen: This is theflour.who will make a cake from this fine white flour? 这是面粉,谁愿意用这些面粉做一个蛋糕?
Cat:Not I.Dog: NotI.Mouse:Not I.
Hen:Then I will.Story teller: she gathered sticks and made a firein the stove. Then she began to make the cake.她找来木棍,在炉子里生火。然后开始做蛋糕。
Hen:I need some milkand sugar and eggs and butter ,then mixed them in a big bowl with the finewhite flour.我需要一些牛奶,糖,鸡蛋和黄油,然后把它们和在盛有面粉的大碗里。
Story teller:When theoven was hot she poured theCake batter into a shinning pan and put it in theoven.Soon a delicious smell filled the cosy little house.当炉子热的时候他把蛋糕面糊倒进闪亮的平底锅,然后把锅放在烤箱里,一会儿,一股香味就弥漫在这个温暖的小屋子里。
Cat: what’s that I’msmilling? Smells mighty fine. I must go and have a look. 我闻到的是什么?闻起来相当好闻,我必须去看一看。
Dog: ohh, it smellssooooo delicious dowm here. I must go and have a look. 哦,闻起来这么香。我必须去看一看。
Mouse: wow, what’sthat? Smells so good. I must go and have a look.哇,这是什么闻起来太香了,我必须去看一看。
Cat, dog, mouse: whatare you doing,little red hen? 你在干吗呢,小红母鸡?
Hen:I am making the cake.我正在做蛋糕。
Cat, dog, mouse:Wow,how beautiful! 哇,多美啊。
Hen:Thank you, now who will eat the cake?谢谢,你们谁吃蛋糕呢?
Cat, dog, mouse: Iwill, I will, I will eat the cake.我愿意,我愿意吃蛋糕。
Hen: No,you can’t. All by myself, I plantedthe wheat, I tended the wheat,I cut the wheat, I took the wheat to the mill tobe ground into flour.不,你们不能。所有的事情都是我一人做的,我种麦子,照料麦子,割麦子,我把麦子带到磨房磨成面粉。All by myself, I gathered the sticks, I built the fire,I mixed the cake. And all by myself. I’m going to eat it!所有的事情都是我一人做的,我找来木柴,我生的火,我做的蛋糕。所以所有的蛋糕都应该由我来吃!
Story teller: so shebegan to eat the cake until the last crumb.她吃完了整个蛋糕甚至连一点屑也没剩。After that,Whenverthere was work to be done, the little red hen always had three very eagerhelpers.从此以后,无论小红母鸡在干什么活,总会有三个非常愿意帮忙的人。

主题:The little Red hen---美国经典儿童故事收藏本贴 | 好友分享 | 推广拿分点击:1354 | 回复:21 | 标签: 中学英语 图片 游戏 A little red hen once found a grain of wheat. 一次,一只红色的小母鸡找到了一粒小麦。 "Who will plant this wheat?" she asked. “谁愿意种植这粒小麦?”她问。 "I won't," said the dog. “我不愿意,”小狗回答。 "I won't," said the cat.“我不愿意,”小猫回答 。 "I won't," said the pig. “我不愿意,”小猪回答。 "Okay, then I'll do it," answered the little red hen. “好吧,那么我来做”红色小母鸡回答道。 She planted the grain of wheat and soon the wheat began to grow. 她种下这粒小麦,很快小麦开始生长。 The sun shone on it, the rain fell, and the wheat grew tall and strong. 阳光照耀着它,雨水滋润着它,小麦生长的又高又壮. "Now, who will reap this wheat?" asked the little red hen. “现在,谁来收割这个小麦?”红色小母鸡问道. 附件:lesson12_01.gif 追问: 我要的是原文,,,百度上查的没有 回答:
