这是什么意啊why do yuo Love me so hard(so har

作者&投稿:须盲 2024-09-20
Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love 歌词

歌曲名:Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
歌手:Bryan Adams

Was it some man that didn't treat you right
Left you reaching out for him in the middle of the night
Is there some heartache that you can't out run
That makes you so afraid to get close to anyone
You're so - easy to look at
You're so easy to hold
It's so easy to touch you - but so hard to let go
It's so easy to want you - that I can't get enough
Tell me why do ya have to be
Why do ya have to be so hard to love
Is it some hurt from long ago
That makes it so hard to let your feelings show
Is it the ghost of who you used to be
That makes you so afraid to bear your soul to me
You're so - easy to look at
You're so easy to hold
It's so easy to touch you - but so hard to let go
It's so easy to want you - that I can't get enough
Tell me why do ya have to be
Why do ya have to be so hard to love


Because love is blind, it's certainly very hard when you even can not walk without the help from others.



含有实义动词的陈述句,在变为一般疑问句时,需要在句首加上do\/does.do用于第一,二人称和第三人称复数。does用于第三人称单数。疑问词why+一般疑问句构成特殊疑问句。主语是第一,第二和第三人称复数时,就是why+do+主语?比如:Why do you like pandas?望采纳谢谢!

What do you do?这句英语是什么意思啊?应该怎么回答?
What 什么 ; …的事物 ; 无论什么 ; 凡是…的事物 ; 多么 ; 真 ; 太 do you; 你愿意吗 我们不要回答我们在做什么,而是要回答我们的职业,比如老师可回答为“I'm a teacher”。双语例句:1.What do you usually do in the evening?你晚上通常干什么?2.What do you want to do ...

why do you like it是什么意思

why do you 和why are you的区别,后面跟什么?最好是能举出例句,
这个区别的方法可以把句子还原成一般现在时,看看句子中用不用be。比如你的问题 You are going shopping tomorrow. 句中要有be动词are, 所以问句时候要用why are you You (will) go shopping tomorrow. 句中没有有动词go,变为问句用why do you.例句 why are you后面可以跟所有其他能用be动词修饰...

why 后什么时候跟do或are
why do you not 你为什么不...希望对方就WHY(为什么) 作出回答. 例如:why do you not go shopping? 你为什么不去逛街?(你可以告诉我你不去逛街的原因吗?)两个的区别在于侧重点不同,第一个是祈使句(you),有祈使或建议的意思,第二个是个否定式特殊疑问句.why aren't you able to ...

why do you tive in this hotel afiten fuiush goui huity ? where is...
这是有道词典的翻译结果:你为什么保守的在这个旅馆里afiten收缩fuiush goui吗?哪里是youi回家吗?所以我确定你可能打错了单词...

why do you want to see them?全部释义和例句>> 你为什么要看他们?see 英[si:] 美[si]vt. 看见; 查看; 领会,理解; 参观;n. 主教教区; 主教权限; 牧座;[网络] 看; 看到; 会;[例句]You can't see colours at night.晚上看不见颜色。

why do you like this season 你为什么喜欢这个季节 why do you like this season 你为什么喜欢这个季节

why的意思是为什么,一般用在句子的开头进行询问。why 英 [waɪ] 美 [hwaɪ, waɪ]adv.为何;为什么;int.呵唷,哎呀 n.原因;理由;说明;

why的意思是:1、adv. 为什么;(反问,表示不必)何必; ……的原因 2、int. 哎呀,呦;呃 3、n. 原因,理由 【读音】英 [waɪ] 美 [waɪ]【短语】1、Why so 为什么会这样 ; 为什么要这样 ; 何也 2、Why ah 为什么啊 ; 在干吗啊 ; 在干嘛啊 ; 为什么呀 3、Why ...