英文歌男声开头每一句都有lalalalala 有一首英文歌,节奏不错,一开始就是lalalalalalal...

作者&投稿:钭林 2024-09-21
一首英文歌,很多人当铃声的,男声,开头是la lala lalalalala。

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah
Nah, nah, nah, nah

Here we go, here we go
一起啊 一起来
It's about time that we set it off
Here we go, here we go
一起啊 一起来
Red lights, I could never stop
就算遇上红灯 耶不会停下我的脚步

A dreamer with the fever to be great was all I ever want, was all I ever wanted
我一直想要的 是做一个把自己变成伟人的狂热追梦者
A finder with the fever for the fame was all I ever want, was all I ever wanted
我一直想成为的 是做一个为了名誉永不停歇的


Take Me Away - Katy McAllister

You're beautiful
It's nice to see I wasn't looking for
Anyone to be with me
Didn't think you would leave this place for so long

I forgot about
Your brooding stare
So much to talk about

But you sit there
And don't have much to say
When you were far away
I planned for this day

And now I can't think of
What I was gonna say
You sit across from me
And I can't seem to think straight
I can't seem to remember
How it got this way
Should be holding it together but you
Take me away

And my breath is far from steady
Can you see it on my face
Don't have to say
Much to me till I'm ready
To up and run away
Don't know what you even do
But I'm dying to just be around you
So take me away
For tonight cause I know
You'll be leaving soon anyway

Entertain my thoughts
You're like a fantasy
Leaving my stomach in knots
You're within my reach
But seem untouchable
It's like I'm trapped in a movie scene

And I'm the one who's
To damn obvious
You're a mystery
And I wasn't born to mind-read
You're the one who's
Blessed with perfection

I'm the hot mess
Not easy just easy to read

Take me away

And my breath is far from steady
Can you see it on my face
Don't have to say

Much to me till I'm ready
To up and run away

Don't know what you even do
But I'm dying to just be around you
So take me away
For tonight cause I know
You'll be leaving soon anyway

Take me away
And my breath is far from steady

Can you see it on my face
Don't have to say
Much to me till I'm ready
To up and run away

Don't know what you even do
But I'm dying to just be around you
So take me away
For tonight cause I know
You'll be leaving soon anyway

You'll be leaving soon anyway



...will rock you的那种鼓点,然后就是男声唱lalalala~lalalala~hey...
原唱:Steam - Na, Na, Hey, Hey, (Kiss Him Goodbye)下载地址:http:\/\/dc244.4shared.com\/img\/304653849\/688575d\/dlink__2Fdownload_2F21FHP11v_3Ftsid_3D20101208-21118-f3d4f5e0\/preview.mp3 本人最喜欢的DJ版本:Magic_Vision - Na na na na hey extended 下载地址:http:\/\/dc253....

一首男声英文歌 很抒情 比较慢 一大篇的lalalalalala
hey judy 不过这个后面是一大片nananana

Kylie Minogue - Can'T Get You Out Of My Head 英文歌词:La la la...La la la ...I just can't get you out of my head Boy your loving is all I think about I just can't get you out of my head Boy it's more than I dare to think about La la la...I just can...

有一首英文歌区 开头好像是 la la la la la la la la
That La La La-Rihanna 开头就是:(Oh) La La La La La La Uh...

赛琳娜 戈麦斯的 Come and get it 不过那个有点印度风

有首英文歌开头是lalalalalalalalalalalalala,再是a lei guo..求!_百...

有一首英文歌,男生唱的,高潮部分是lala...lulu...。点号都有歌词,_百 ...
Couldn\\\\'t happen to you - pale divine 我表示这个有点难……应该是这一首吧,我觉得你说的那句好像是if you happen to……

一首男生唱的英文歌,节奏有点伤感,歌曲后部分都是拉拉拉 拉拉拉 拉 ...
我听的歌曲都比较老 在如今的网络上已经很少能问我知道的歌曲了 不过恰巧看见这个问题、正好我现在听的歌又是lalalalala结尾的 但是我估计也不是你所要的答案 suede的 beautiful ones、也算小山羊的经典吧、你试试、不过我咋听也听不出伤感的味道啊 除了年少狂浪的轻佻、实在没伤感啊 ...

...just feel 然后是lalalal什么的。 有知道的吗? 谢谢
我觉得你要找的是这首 Sean Kingston - me love 试听:http:\/\/www.tudou.com\/programs\/view\/yybNizqn9O0\/ 试试吧 应该是 祝你好运

歌曲名:my generation(hulalala) 找了好久才找到的