
作者&投稿:笃吴 2024-06-30
  A: Oh, I’m starving. I’d like to try some real Chinese cuisine. What would you remend, waiter?啊,我快饿死啦。我想吃点真正的中国菜。您给我推荐什么呢,服务生?

  B: Well, it depends. You see, there are eight famous Chinese instance, the

  Sichuan cuisine, and the Hunan cuisine.那要看情况了。您知道,中国主要有八大菜系。比方说,川菜、湘菜。

  A: They are both spicy hot, I’ve heard.我听说这两种都很辣。

  B: That’s right. If you like hot dishes, you can try some.对。您要是爱吃辣的,可以试试。 A: They might be too hot for me.对我来说可能太辣了点。

  B: Then there’s the Cantonese cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine. Most southerners like them.


  A: What about any special Beijing dishes?有什么特别的北京风味菜吗?

  B: There’s the Beijing roast duck.有北京烤鸭啊。

  A: Oh, yes. I’ve heard a lot about it. I’d like very much to try it. Where can I find it?啊,对了,听过多次了。我很想试一试。在哪儿能吃到呢?

  B: You can find it in most restaurants, but the best place is certainly Quanjude Restaurant.大多数饭店都有烤鸭,可是最好的当然还是全聚德烤鸭店。

  A: Is it near here?离这儿近吗?

  B: Not too near but not too far either. A taxi will take you there in 15 minutes, if the traffic is not too bad, I mean.不太近也不算远。乘计程车15分钟能到。我是说,要是堵车不厉害的话。 A: Well, thank you for your information. But what is the name of that restaurant again? 好,多谢您的指点。请您再说一下那个饭馆的名字好吗?

  B: Let me write it down on this slip of paper for you. You can show it to the taxi-driver. 我来给您写在这张纸片上。您好拿给出租车司机看。

  A: That’s very kind of you. Thanks a lot.您真是太好了!多谢多谢。

  B: You’re wele.不客气。
  Waiter:Would you like to order now, ma'am?

  May:Yes, please. I'd like the steak and mushrooms。

  Waiter:How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done?

  May:I'd like it well-done, please。

  Waiter:What kind of potatoes would you like to go with that? Mashed, boiled or baked?

  May:I think I'll have baked potatoes. And I'll have an iced tea with a lemon on the side please。

  Waiter:Good. And would you care for soup or salad to start with?

  May:I'd like a cream and onion soup, please。

  Waiter:Will you be having dessert today, ma'am?

  May:I want to skip dessert. That's all. Thank you。

  Waiter:OK. I'll be with you in a moment。
  Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant


  a few moments later?


  Emma: one sparkling water


  Hugh: Thanks very much


  Emma: Are you ready to order?


  Hugh: Yeah I think I am actually. Could I just have the soup to start please.


  Emma: That's minestrone, is that all right sir?


  Hugh: Yeah, that's fine, and for the main course could I have the chicken please?


  Emma: Chicken.


  Hugh: And just some vegetables and some boiled potatoes please


  Emma: Boiled potatoes, OK?


  Hugh: Thanks very much.


  Emma: OK.




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