
作者&投稿:离谢 2024-06-27
Personal Information:
Name: xx
Sex: Male
Birth: Feb 1981
Nationality: The People’s Republic of China (PRC)
Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Email-address: xxxxxxxxxx
Xi’an University of Technology, Department of Printing and Packing Engineering
Electronic Information Engineering, BS.
Research&Work Experience:
Beijing Tsinghua Novel Company 06/2023-09/2023
Software Development Department
Responsibility: Joining “Multimedia Data-Broadcasting System Project” and responsible for installing and adjusting Information Receiving Card for user-port.
Xi’an University of Technology 07/2023-07/2023
School of Automation&Information Engineering
Department of Information&Control Engineering
Digital Image Processing laboratory
Research assistant
Research on embedded zero-tree wavelet image compression
Director: Prof.xx
Paper: “a wavelet-based image compression algorithm in JPEG2000 application”
Chinese Aeronautical Radio Electronics Research Institute 07/2023-present
Job title: Assistant engineer
Past project(09/2023-06/2023): National defense department key project—No.9 battle helicopter image transmittion system.
My responsibility: System engineer of the image compression and decompression module.
What I’ve done: (Hardware) Draw out the schematics for the two module(encode and decode) with PROTEL; Made out the PCB board with POWERPCB; Write out VHDL programs into CPLD to sample out video steam and control the board.
(Software) Implement and modify the MPEG4 algorithm into Philips’ TriMedia TM1300 DSP.
Current project(06/2023-present): National defense department key project—pilotless scout aircraft image transmittion system
My responsibility: System engineer of the image compression and decompression module.
What I’m doing: (hardware) Plan to change interface to PCI and try to use PCI9054 chip on the decompression board and write the driver program by myself.
(algorithm) Plan to renew and upgrade the old algorithm and replace the old motion estimation algorithm with my own new method to enhance the scene and reduce the time legacy.
Special Experience:
Received a full scholarship(TA) from Florida International University in the year 2023 for ph.d degree study in Electrical Engineering department and focus on image registration research. But unfortunately my visa application was denied for 3 times in Shanghai(FIU gave me the full scholarship for 3 times) for the ridiculous reason—the visa officer didn’t believe I’ll come back to China when I graduate.
Standard Test:
TOEFL, 607(57/65/60),TWE: 5
GRE General Test, verbal:720(98%),math:800(94%)


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答:电子信息工程专业个人简历范文1 姓名 五年以上工作经验 | 女 | 28岁 居住地:电 话:E-mail:最近工作 [3 年5个月 ]公 司:上海同济同捷科技股份有限公司 行 业:汽车及零配件 职 位:汽车设计工程师 最高学历 学 历:硕士 专 业:电子信息工程 学 校:同济大学 自我评价 具有良好的心理...

答:意向职位:电子 期望薪资:4500 工作地点:浙江 语言能力 英语 读写:☆(熟练)听说:☆☆(良好)粤语 读写:☆☆(良好)听说:☆☆(良好)相关技能 电子产品开发 ☆(熟练)教育经历 2009.09—2012.07浙江工业大学 所学专业:电子信息工程 获得学历:本科 工作/社会实践经历 2012.08—2013.12*...

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答:专 业:电子信息工程 语言能力 英语水平:一般 国语水平:优秀 粤语水平:优秀 自我评价 本人性格随和乐观,积极向上, 爱好 广泛,喜欢钻研,工作认真负责,拥有较强的组织能力和适应能力,并具有良好的身体素质。乐于沟通,易于融入集体,乐于助人,学习能力较好,注重理论与实践相结合,在工作中不断...