有一首英文歌,一直是架子鼓之类的,女生唱的有点摇滚,歌曲最后是one two there four five 求一首英文歌,一个女的唱的,大概是这样,有点摇滚的,yeah...

作者&投稿:乐翠 2024-09-21
前奏是架子鼓 一首很有节奏感的英文歌 女生唱的 求过路大仙指点

Jar of love

Heartbeats——Amy Diamond 很柔 很好听 希望你喜欢。

All hands on deck
All Hands On Deck - Tinashe

All in front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that

All in the front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind like that
Wasted hard

When you left me, you left me with no choice

I'm looking for a boy to fill this empty void

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone, dead and gone, oh

Wasted hard

You took the last bit of love I've ever had

You took a good girl and you turned me oh so bad

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone, dead and gone, oh

All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that, like that
I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that

All in the front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind like that
All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that

All in the front all in the back just like that, like that
I'm a blow your mind like that
Wasted hard

Done this too till death do us apart

I watch you fold like a house of cards

Kiss the old me goodbye she's dead and gone dead and gone dead and gone

One by one, I watch you fall down, watch you fall like dominoes
Take no prisoners, search and destroy
Baby look at what you've done
One by one, I watch 'em go down, watch 'em fall like dominoes
Watch 'em go down, watch 'em go down, watch 'em go down
All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that

All in the front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind like that
And you know that I tried

Really gave my all

Everything we built

Baby you let it fall, you let it fall
And now you want me

Want me back now

And the thing that's so funny

Is baby I'm long gone, I'm long gone
All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that

All in the front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind like that
All hands on deck

All in front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind take it out on the floor like that, like that

All in the front all in the back just like that, like that

I'm a blow your mind like that


一开始是架子鼓开始 然后是一个男生唱的英文歌,歌曲很清新。里面歌词记...
是不是阿木的《I LOVE YOU》

...需要一首英文歌曲,而起歌曲里面要有架子鼓、电吉他、电子琴!_百 ...
提供几首参考吧 tata young-Crush On You tata young-My Bloody Valentine jewel-stand Kat DeLuna-Feel What I Feel Robyn-show me love 说实话架子鼓不能太简单但是节奏感又不能太强,有点冲突哈

一首女声的英文歌曲开头是架子鼓的节奏,第一句是o na na na na na n...
What if this song's on the radio 如果有这首歌的收音机 Then somebody's gonna die 然后有人去死了 I'm gonna get in trouble 我想有麻烦了 My ex will start a fight 我的前男友就开始了一种战斗 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na He's gonna start a fight 他要开始决斗 Na Na Na Na Na...

always- bon jovi 这首歌建议搜视频,因为有一段音频里没有的。绝对让楼主满意。很有名的一首歌哦。Bon jovi 的歌曲基本都是这种风格的。 有名的还有,you give love a bad name, it's my life

什么英文歌开头全是哦,有架子鼓打,女唱的,里面好像有WHY YOU
悲剧演唱组《Hey Oh》

求一首 欧美的英文歌 说唱 男 整曲 好像只有钢琴和架子鼓配乐,节奏感...
这首歌是fort minor的high road 希望你满意我的回答^_^

求一首英文歌曲的名字? 3到5人的男子乐队,主唱边打架子鼓边唱
Whistle - Flo Rida Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Let me know Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it And we start real slow You just put your lips together And you come real close Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby Here we go Look I'm betting you ...

Know Your Enemy - Green Day , 应该是这首吧, 架子鼓的歌太少了 Hip Hop Is Dead -NAS , New Day - 50 Cent 想听好听的歌 那就听 阿姆的歌

前奏是架子鼓 一首很有节奏感的英文歌 女生唱的 求过路大仙指点_百度知 ...
Jar of love

sunshine girl 这首歌开始有口哨 然后好象有架子鼓的 接下来是开始唱的了 这孩子声音很好听