
作者&投稿:宰段 2024-09-28
To obtain an offer of acceptance into the Master Program in Economics or relative area
Education Background
09/2023-07/2023 xxxx University
School of Economics, Department of Economics
GPA: 3.0/4.0 (overall), XX/4.0 (major)
Degree: Bachelor
Professional & Research Experience
2023 Research on Development Economics of xx University Economics College
Description: Peasant worker’s living conditions and reason of entering into city in xx
Position: leader of the group
Responsibilities: designed the questionnaire and sent it out randomly in xxx.
Organized the members to investigate and composed the report——Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas
2023 xxx University Economy Investigation of xxx, xx province,
Responsibilities: Assist the professor to communicate with the local government and enterprises, collecting the datum and composed the thesis——Research Report on self-supporting economic model of xx
2023 research on the data of China xxand China xx,
Description: Analyzed the present status and future development trend of China xx and
China xx from the view point of industrial economics and analyzed
the present status and future development situation of China xx industry.
2023 xx Business Strategy Competition
Description: The competition simulates the international cosmetic market in a new economics environment by software. Combining with all the main factors, each group operates a suppositional cosmetic company on the internet and competes with another suppositional one. Final competition result lies on the price of stock. Though the internet environment is the suppositional one, the professional knowledge and skills and the management of a company is similar with the real one, so the joiner should give a complete decision-making.
Achievements: Practiced my professional knowledge and the operation ability in Economics, and improve my ability of analysis and planning.
2023 xx University Challenge Cup
Description: Award for 5.4 Youth Science of xxx University Challenge Cup, which is the most
Influential honor in xxx University, is the highest prize in the extracurricular
activates of xx University.
Achievements: Designed a topic about financial market, I did a good research on the current
situation bout Chinese financial market, and improve my research ability and
operation with my classmates.
Publication & Paper
Research Report on self-supporting economic model of xx published on
Future Economist, xxx University.
Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas
Analysis on Developmental Restrict Factor of Chinese Third Industry
The Inventor of xxx, Analysis of Marketing Strategy of xx Internet Development Co.,Ltd
Report of Analysis of xxx Industry Analysis
Report of Research of Rural Agriculture Development
Social Activities
2023-2023 Planer of Youth Volunteer Association of xxx University
2023-2023 Volunteer of Love Society of xx University
2023-2023 English Culture Communication Association xxUniversity
2023-2023 Member of Consultation Society xx University
2023-2023 Member of Outside Department, Green Life Society, xxx University
2023-2023 Member of Slipper Association xxx University
Standard Test
TOEFL:627 TWE: 5.0 Date: 08/19/2023
GRE:1190 TWE: 5.0 Date: 06/06/2023
Computer Skills
Proficient in office software such as word,excel,PowerPoint and FrontPage,
Excellent ability of cartography and webpage making
Proficient in photoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks and Macromedia Flash
Having the foundation of programme (C language and VB)
Comprehending asp and php
Proficient in economics software:eviews,spss and sas


个人经典简历范文三:姓 名:性 别:女 出生日期:民 族:毕业院校:广东商学院 政治面貌:团员 最高学历:本科 所修专业:经济学 人才类型:普通求职 求职意向 求职类型:全职 应聘职位:会计 希望工资:面议 教育背景 2011年9月至2021年6月 广东商学院 经济学专业 本科 实践经历 2013.9-2014.9 ...


普通个人简历300字范文(通用5篇)【篇五】   基本资料   姓名:李先生   性别:男   民族:汉族   出生日期:1987年12月25日   学历:大专   技术职称:中级   毕业院校:芜湖职业技术学院   所学专业:电气自动化   工作年限:实习\/应届   联系方式:8 ...

专业:公关文秘 毕业院校:南开大学中文系 所学课程:秘书学、文秘写作、公关实务、谈判学、人际心理学、公共关系、公关语言、应用写作、政治经济学、哲学、外国文化史、档案管理学、中国文化史等。另:自修过许国璋英语一至四册。现正进修行政管理本科学历和英语二学历。且本人有驾驶执照。本人具有在国际...

项目管理工程师个人简历模板 6.知识面广,涉猎经济学,心理学,管理学等知识,看待问题较为全面,系统。 大学生求职简历怎么写范文篇3 姓名:___ 两年以上工作经验|女|25岁(1986年3月1日) 居住地:上海 电话:139___(手机) E-mail: 最近工作[1年6个月] 公司:__出版社 行业:文字媒体\/出版 职位:图书编辑...

下面是我为大家带来的四篇外贸求职简历范文,希望大家喜欢!更多外贸求职简历范文请关注个人简历栏目! 【外贸求职简历范文一】 个人基本信息 姓名: 性别:女 年龄:23岁 工作年限:1~2年 学历:大专 期望工作地区:徐州市内 求职意向 期望从事职业: 外贸业务员,外贸跟单 工作经历 工作时间:2010年8月—至今 公司名称:...

毕业大学生个人简历范文参考 篇5 姓名:XXX 性别:女 民族:汉族 政治面貌:团员 出生日期:1988年12月20日 户口:沈阳 婚姻状况:未婚 学历:本科 毕业院校:沈阳医学院 毕业时间:20xx年06月 所学专业:临床医学 外语水平:英语(熟练) 电脑水平:熟练 工作年限:实习\/应届 联系方式:xxxxxxxxxx 求职意向 工作类型:全职 单...

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