张靓颖脱口秀节目中唱的玛利亚的是哪首? 张靓颖在美国脱口秀中唱的那个歌名是什么?

作者&投稿:熊解 2024-07-02

歌手:mariah carey 专辑:grammy1995

sung by "mariah carey"

there's a hero
if you look inside your heart
you don't have to be afraid
of what you are
there's an answer
if you reach into your soul
and the sorrow that you know
will meit away
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
it's a long road
when you face the world alone
no one reaches out a hand
for you to hold
you can find love
if you search within yourself
and the emptiness you felt will disappear
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
lord knows......
dreams are hard to follow
but don't let anyone
tear them away
hold on
there will be tomorrow
in time you'll find the away
and then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
so when you feel like hope is gone
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you
that a hero lies in you...
that a hero lies in you......

  给你一个地址,是下载地址。这首歌是Mariah carey的成名曲之一,HERO,给你一个歌词,希望能帮到你

  歌手:mariah carey
  there's a hero
  if you look inside your heart
  you don't have to be afraid
  of what you are
  there's an answer
  if you reach into your soul
  and the sorrow that you know
  will melt away
  and then a hero comes along
  with the strength to carry on
  and you cast your fears aside
  and you know you can survive
  so when you feel like hope is gone
  look inside you and be strong
  and you'll finally see the truth
  that a hero lies in you
  it's a long road
  when you face the world alone
  no one reaches out a hand
  for you to hold
  you can find love
  if you search within yourself
  and the emptiness you felt
  will disappear
  and then a hero comes along
  with the strength to carry on
  and you cast your fears aside
  and you know you can survive
  so when you feel like hope is gone
  look inside you and be strong
  and you'll finally see the truth
  that a hero lies in you
  lord knows
  dreams are hard to follow
  but don't let anyone
  tear them away
  hold on
  there will be tomorrow
  in time
  you'll find the way
  and then a hero comes along
  with the strength to carry on
  and you cast your fears aside
  and you know you can survive
  so when you feel like hope is gone
  look inside you and be strong
  and you'll finally see the truth
  that a hero lies in you

  歌手:Mariah Carey 专辑:Grammy1995
  There's a hero
  If you look inside your heart 当你审视自己的内心
  You don't have to be afraid Of what you are 你不必因为自己是谁而害怕
  There's an answer If you reach into your soul 如果你往灵魂深处探询 你会找到答案
  And the sorrow that you know 而且你的忧愁
  Will meit away 将会消散
  And then a hero comes along 一位英雄将会到来
  With the strength to carry on 带着能让你支撑下去的力量
  And you cast your fears aside 你将驱走恐惧
  And you know you can survive 你将知道自己能继续
  So when you feel like hope is gone 所以当你觉得已经没有希望
  Look inside you and be strong 好好审视自己 坚强起来
  And you'll finally see the truth 你最终将发现
  That a hero lies in you 那位英雄就是你自己
  It's a long road 这将是一条漫漫的路
  When you face the world alone 当你独自面对这个世界的时候
  No one reaches out a hand 没人伸出手
  For you to hold 让你握住
  You can find love 你仍能找到爱
  If you search within yourself 只要你在自身上寻视
  And the emptiness you felt will disappear 而且你的空虚也将消失
  And then a hero comes along 一位英雄将会到来
  With the strength to carry on 带着能让你支撑下去的力量
  And you cast your fears aside 你将驱走恐惧
  And you know you can survive 你将知道自己能继续
  So when you feel like hope is gone 所以当你觉得已经没有希望
  Look inside you and be strong 好好审视自己 坚强起来
  And you'll finally see the truth 你最终将发现
  That a hero lies in you 那位英雄就是你自己
  Lord knows...... 上帝知道
  Dreams are hard to follow 梦想总是难以坚持
  But don't let anyone 但是不要让任何人
  Tear them away 把它撕毁
  hold on 坚持
  There will be tomorrow 明天将会来到
  In time you'll find the away 到时候你将找到方向
  And then a hero comes along 一位英雄将会到来
  With the strength to carry on 带着能让你支撑下去的力量
  And you cast your fears aside 你将驱走恐惧
  And you know you can survive 你将知道自己能继续
  So when you feel like hope is gone 所以当你觉得已经没有希望
  Look inside you and be strong 好好审视自己 坚强起来
  And you'll finally see the truth 你最终将发现
  That a hero lies in you 那位英雄就是你自己





靓颖唱了<我的音乐让我说><花开的声音>和<loving you>



答:《hero》歌手:mariah carey 专辑:grammy1995 hero sung by "mariah carey"there's a hero if you look inside your heart you don't have to be afraid of what you are there's an answer if you reach into your soul and the sorrow that you know will meit away and then a hero ...

答:歌曲:hero 歌手:mariah carey there's a hero if you look inside your heart you don't have to be afraid of what you are there's an answer if you reach into your soul and the sorrow that you know will melt away and then a hero comes along with the strength to carry on ...


答:hero玛莉亚凯莉的《hero》英雄! 玛莉亚凯莉是张靓颖的偶像!~

答:张靓颖现场回顾了自己从儿时起就与音乐结下的深厚缘分,并因迷恋玛利亚·凯莉的声音而苦练英文歌曲的成长历程。本次节目通过SKYPE联线的嘉宾还包括最近通过《英国达人》走红全球的苏珊大妈。张靓颖现场演绎了由张艺谋执导、喜多郎作曲的中国风歌曲《印象西湖》主题曲以及最新专辑中的爵士风歌曲 《我的音乐让我...

答:必然是Mariah Carey啊,这还用说嘛。张靓颖在oprah脱口秀上都说了Mariah Carey影响她最最深刻的歌手!因为Mariah Carey她才决定歌唱!下面两个是Mariah Carey海豚音集锦,前者是录音室的;中间的是现场的,后面这个不全都是海豚音,准确说是高音集锦,有怒音,花腔,海豚音,咽音,各种哈;最后一个是各种...

答:1. 川流不息(日) 2. 电影主题歌_血凝 3. 玛利亚凯利 4. 强烈推荐!UITPER! 5. 星星 6. 让爱做主 7. 《莎拉布莱漫》 8. 蒙古人 9. 席林迪翁to love you more 10. 明天的明天的明天 11. 栀子花开 12. 月亮之上 13. 超级女声2005总决(选)赛6进5青春励志秀 我给你春春的吧!英文:...

答:一、奥普拉脱口秀张靓颖 张靓颖,1984年10月11日出生于四川成都,中国流行女歌手。以下是她参加世界最终名的综艺节目之一,奥普拉脱口秀并用实力派歌声征服主持人的视频,张靓颖其人,可以说是一位成功融合了中国流行文化与国际文化的歌手,毕竟不是所有的歌手都能登上奥普拉秀 这样的国际舞台。在参加格莱美...

答:其实现场录制唱了《我的音乐让我说》还有清唱了《印象西湖雨》,还唱了《loving you》(未播出),最后唱了简短的《hero》。PS是《我的音乐让我说》不是《音乐让我说》,我买了靓颖的专辑,歌词本上是《我的音乐让我说》啦!
