求一首女声唱的英文歌,经常在街上听到,高潮部分重复三次一个单词,好像有一段“……ever ever 一首英文歌女生唱的,其中高潮部分有3次重复一个单词:发音有点...

作者&投稿:钭美 2024-09-21
求一首女生唱的很好听的英文歌,高潮部分好像是重复三次的单词“...ever ever ever...”

now or never 就是这首 我也找好久了 终于找到了 如果不是的话 也可以听一听 挺好听的

是不是这首We Will Fly - Cavallie London

Cause you'll be loving loving loving loving loving loving Loving loving loving loving loving me
Cause you'll be
It's not the same without you
don't wanna be without you
can't stand to be without you
there is no mean without you
there is no wise without you
Our love won't last without you
I just want to be with you
just forever is you and I
the only limit we have is the sky
and together we will fly
You'll be the rythme of this song
everybody else is gonna the ring down
I'm thought of you heel
just but a way you make me feel
The sunshine is brightened now
There's no cry cause I just smile
And you can tell
cause you can never fell


Taylor Swift 《We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together》歌词是
We are never ever ever getting back together


ke$ha?那女的最近很火的。不然更早的就是lady gaga了。kesha的出了新单。你查查看。唱歌挺闹的那个

求一首英文歌,女生唱的,慢歌,柔和舒缓 08年开始就很流行,街上常放,很...
Burning - Maria Arredondo http:\/\/www.google.cn\/music\/song?id=S3f159288088148d8&rview=share Passion is sweet Love makes weak You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go Follow your fate Love and hate Never fail to seize the day But dont give yourself away .Oh ...

最近街上常听到 一首英文女声的快歌 很有节奏
应该是 Ke$ha - Die Young 如满意,请采纳 采纳请注意回答时间

一首英文歌 女声的 开头是哼唱 嗯嗯嗯~~啊 嗯嗯嗯~~~啊 应该比较常见我...
开头有一段哼唱啊,不知道你说的是不是《My Hands》,也很好听很经典的说~

Sun Shy - Dresses I'm a little sun shy when the sun shines on the wrong day And I believe my bed is a constant bearer of these sun shades Cuz I'm a little sun shy when the sun light beckons I wake up Oh, I wont wake up I make my days my nights thats when my ...

Breathless - Shayne Ward If our love was a fairy tale I would charge in and rescue you On a yacht baby we would sail To an island where we'd say I do And if we had babies they would look like you It'd be so beautiful if that came true You don't even know how ...

So What 洪辰和王栎鑫在快乐女声9进8里唱过,很快、很动感的歌

有个歌在街上听到的 女声唱的 英文歌 伤感的那种 好像以前也在哪听...
Burning (Maria Arredondo唱的)

求一首外国英文歌曲 大街上经常放的很火的 女歌手很流行摇滚的曲风 高 ...
avril的 i'm with you 或者 艾薇儿的HOT

找首很经典的英文歌 很震撼的,经常在电视上也能听到。
We Will Rock You By Queen Buddy you're a boy make a big noise伙计,你只是个会大声嚷嚷的孩子 Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday在街道里玩耍,总有一天会成为一个大人物 You've got mud on your face. 你搞得灰头土脸 Your big disgrace 丢人现眼 Kicking your ...