根据下面提示,写一篇70词左右的英语短文:求速回。。~ 假如你是林涛.请根据下面的信息提示,写一篇70词左右的英语短...

作者&投稿:祗连 2024-07-02

a story
one day i saw a boy falling off from a tree, when i was coming home from school. i felt so scared, so i call the ambulance quickly. then it came and sent the boy and i to the hospital soon.
when the boy was treated, i called his parents.(这里有点奇幻啊··怎么就知道他父母的电话捏~~)
his parents were very hurry. when they came, the boy was sleeping and was fine.

差不多70了吧 不够自己再添点

Weather Report
How's the weather in the following cities in China Today? Let's have a look now.
Beijing is a little warm in the morning and cold in the afternoon. The high temperature is 2 °C and the low temperature is - 6 °C. For Shanghai, it is windy in the day and rainy in the evening. The temperature is from 16 °C to 8 °C. It is snowy and cold all day in Harbin, the temperature is between - 29 ° C and - 22 ° C. The weather in Hainan is different. It is cloudy in the morning and sunny in the afternoon. In the evening it is windy. The temperature is from 26 °C to 20 °C. That is all. Thanks for watching.

I like watching movies. I often go to see a film with my friends on weekends. I like action movies best. My favorite movie star is Jackie Chan . Last sunday I wanted to see his movie''Rush Hour'', but I couldn't buy the ticket. I hope I can buy a ticket and go to see the film.Would you like to go with me?


答:China is to the west of America. It is an ancient country. Beijing is the capital of China and the national flag is red. There are five yellow stars in the flag. China has many places of interest. You are welcome to China. 如满意,请采纳为“满意答案”。

英语作,根据下面提示写一篇字数不少于65个词的短文 。
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根据下面的提示介绍你的朋友Ann, 写一篇不少于60词的英文短文,可适当发 ...
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