i wanted to do的连读 求助英语词汇连读问题“wanted to"。谢谢!

作者&投稿:陆万 2024-09-21
want.to 连读规则是?

want to 外国人口语中发的是单词wanna的音,wanna是口语。

不可以将ed省略掉的 wanted to不能连读 读“汪踢吐”


Wanted 中t 省略 to= d 这两个单词说出来就是一个 wanid
i wanid do that 保证你用胸腔用力 下巴不要用力 用舌尖动配合 胸腔发音 才能在d do th 中快速转换

I(爱)wanted (汪地)to (突)do( 肚)


ai wangti tu du


“Let's move on and do something different.”可知,Ann的父亲一开始觉得Ann的想法太简单了,没必要做,希望她能做点别的。7. C。细节理解题。由第五段中的According to Ann, herfriend couldn't complete her homework ... So I wanted to do something to helpmy friend in the Philippines可知,Ann在...

It was___ who wanted to do it. A. he and I B. I and he C. him...
It was him and me who wanted to do it.正确答案是 D。A 选项中的 he and I 是错误的。在 It was 后面引导主语从句时,从句中的主语应该是宾语,因此应该使用宾格。B 选项中的 I and he 也是错误的。在 It was 后面引导主语从句时,从句中的主语应该是宾语,因此应该使用宾格。C 选项中的...

What he wanted to do was——A?——his hands of it. A.washB.to h...
A 这是因为what he wanted to do 是 what he wanted himself to do 的省略,是这句的主语从句。英语中规定句子中前面的从句有do 或者do 的某种形式,其后的不定时(短语)省to , 所以该句的表语(to) wash his hands 省去了to. 原句是What he wanted to do was (to)wash his ...

the way引导的一定是定语从句吗
严格的来说,the way不能用作任何从句,因为way是一个名词,只有连词才能引导从句,只是从形式上把the way之后的连词省列后,the way看起来成了连词.这两个句子the way 之后接的都是定语从句.请看补充好的句子:I was never allowed to do things (in) the way in which I wanted (to do things)...

求翻译。求讲解。I wanted to have him( )the job,but he had it...
选 A 第一个空考查 have sb do sth 使某人做某事 第二个空 have sth done 使某事被做 翻译: 我想让他做这个工作,而他已经做完了。

I wanted was to be是什么知识点?
应该是what i wanted was to be what i wanted 我想要的东西 was to be是成为 这叫做宾语前置。一般来说,宾语都是放在动词后面的,但也存在宾语前置的情况.宾语前置时,用来表示强调.例如下面两个句型:exp1:It is .that .前置宾语:It is you that I love.正常语序:I love you.exp2:What ...

有want doing sth和want do sth吗?
有。want doing 需要(做);该(做.)The windows wanted cleaning.(.窗户该擦了。)Her hair wants cutting.(她该剪头发了。)want do;想要;要 This is my territory. I want you out of here.(这是我的地盘。我要你离开。)有关want的词组:want to do something (想要做某事),want ...

He was said to be a good man.这里还原成主动语态是怎样的?还有几个问...
那有一些可以跟复合宾语的比如 wish sb to do,want sb to do 这里可不可以变成sb is wanted to do sth 这里的不定式是不是算是宾语补足语 你举得例子是可以的。你说的对,因为这里wish和want后的sb是动词宾语,而后面的不定式是宾语补足语。书里说的不可用与被动语态的,是这种情况。hope to ...

I wanted to ask him some questions(对ask him some questions提问)_百...
美国常用回答:what did you want from him!?或,更为中规中矩的回答:what did you want to do with him?应付试题的话建议后者!望给分,3q!

英语语法 句子成分提问 求救高手
be glad to do可以说成是个动词短语,往细了讲就是be是系动词glad 是表语to do是不定式作宾语或状语 不宜看做主语补语 因为传统语法中只有被动语态中才有主语补语 不定式在动词后面是做动词宾语 但也可以作系表短语的宾语 当然有的语法家认为是状语。All she wanted to do was lie in the sun...